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Published May 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a mixed-use development in New Paltz, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.
The scope of work for this project consists of modification and upgrades at existing roadway along Pond Road from the T-intersection at Southside Loop Road and ending at the Haggerty Administration Building Parking Lot 15, along with work at Gage Hall, Vandenberg Hall, and Grimm House. The main features of the "Base Bid" work shall include, but are not limited to the following: Major removal work by Contractor includes: Along Pond Road: Milling approximately 22,000 total square feet (SF) of the top 2" of existing asphalt paving from curb to curb and with required removal of associated binder, and base along curbing for installation of new topcoat and new granite curbing. Complete removal of approximately 5,980 total square feet of existing asphalt roadway system comprised of asphalt topcoat, asphalt binder, and gravel base. Complete removal of approximately 2,350 linear feet of existing concrete curbing on each side of roadway down to sub-base, including removal of any existing landscaping, grass, and soil on each side of curbing as required new granite curbing installation. Complete removal of approximately 950 square feet of existing asphalt or concrete walkways and curb cuts which includes removal of concrete or asphalt top course, asphalt binder, and gravel sub-base under each walkway and at various locations along Pond Road. Removal of some grass and topsoil shall be considered part of the work. Saw cutting joint between existing concrete curbing, sidewalks (asphalt and concrete), and any area as required for the work. Prior to bidding, field verification of all existing materials needing to be removed, and in coordination with all the work shown on the drawings and listed in the specifications. Major new work by Contractor includes providing and installing all new materials as per the drawing plans and details and as described below: Providing and installing a minimum of 2" thick of asphalt topcoat, tack coat, granite curbing, geotextile, warning plates, concrete walkways, gravel, topsoil and seed as coordinated with removal work and quantities required. Modifications necessary at required locations to adjust height of existing manhole covers, catch basins and any other infrastructure to align top of existing new roadway surface. Existing catch basin curb element may remain along Pond Road, though Contractor to field verify this with College during the work. Crosswalk striping and stop lines where required after sweeping all new walkways and roadway surfaces free of debris after removals. Length of stop lines shall be at least half the width of roadway. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control signage as approved by College to reroute pedestrian campus community and traffic away from work areas or walkways and curbs under modifications to other walkways and curbs being ADA compliant. A minimum of 10'-0" of roadways shall remain open or accessible for vehicle traffic during work hours or from 8am to 4pm, unless approved otherwise by College. Fire trucks and Police vehicles shall be allowed to pass through temporary closed roadways in case or emergency. Contractor shall provide and maintain full access and egress in and out of building entry locations, residence halls, classrooms, offices, non-work areas, and specifically along Pond Road for food deliveries to the Student Union Building, and access as coordinated with the College and Campus Auxiliary Services department. Contractor, Contractors employees, and all sub-contractors to Contractor shall park employee vehicle(s) in the College approved location during all times of work, and each contractor and sub-contractor employee shall purchase a contractor parking hang tag for the duration of the work period, no exceptions. Providing all labor, supervision, project coordination, tools, equipment, demolition, legal removals, and the legal recycling, disposal, and reporting of all construction waste for the renovation of the work. Contractor shall be fully responsible to review all existing conditions, all dimensions, all material quantities necessary, and all new work indicated or shown; and as fully coordinated with all construction documents and specifications prior to bidding. Contractor shall provide daily project clean-up of debris created by the Work, restoration of existing adjacent areas disturbed by this contract work, and final cleaning of all areas of the completed Work. All work shall be completed in accord with applicable manufacturer's materials standards; applicable NYSDOT Standards, NY State Building Code requirements, and applicable Federal & State regulation. Contractor shall follow and adhere to the Campus Impairment Program, and especially in regards to any welding work, and Contractor shall not disrupt the existing campus fire alarm system during the work, no exceptions. Contractor shall provide temporary fencing as stated in the General Requirements Section D - Special Conditions, line 4 "Staging Area/Storing of Materials, and Construction Fencing". All dumpsters and storage trailers shall have solid wood members placed under wheels of these items to protect existing conditions, and dumpsters shall be placed on asphalt paving, unless approved in advance by College. Locations of these items must also be approved by College before any deliveries or installation, no exception. Contractor shall leave work area in a ready to use condition without the College having to clean any areas of work where Contractor performed work. Work Not Included: Work not included in the work of the Contract shall be coordinated with the college, and shall include the work listed below, but not be limited to the following: Any direct work associated with other projects by the College or by other Contractors near the work areas, but Contractor for this project shall coordinate their work as necessary. Other Work not included in the work of this Contract are those items marked "N.I.C"; and/or work specifically specified or indicated on the drawings, marked "by others" or "by College " or by College". The project shall commence upon award of contract, though actual construction shall not begin until after Commencement on June 1, 2022. Completion of all construction Work shall be no later than August 1, 2022. The College's Summer Session Classes will be in operation on campus and the Humanities Building will have occupants during the Work, and is one of the College's main classroom buildings. The Contractor shall coordinate his Work with the College and provide portable fencing and temporary pathways as necessary to reroute traffic to and from buildings around the work areas during this construction period, but as approved by College. The Contractor shall employ sufficient trained, skilled work crews and provide adequate equipment and work crews as necessary to comply with the Project Schedule and complete the Work during this construction period. Alternates: Alternate #1 - This alternate includes work along Pond Road starting at the Student Union Building Tunnel (south end) and ending at the Haggerty Administration Parking Lot, drawings effected are D3, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, and A8, and major specific details include, but not limited to (see drawings for additional work): Milling approximately 10,000 total square feet (SF) of the top 2" of existing asphalt paving or roadway. Complete removal of approximately 1,050 linear feet of existing concrete curbs on each side of roadway down to sub-base. Complete removal of approximately 2,695 square feet of existing asphalt or concrete sidewalks and sub-base down to soil. Sawcutting joint between existing curbing, sidewalks (asphalt and concrete), and roadway. As coordinated with removal locations and quantities, providing and installing: A minimum of 2" new asphalt topcoat, tack coat, and modifications necessary to adjust height of existing manhole covers and catch basins to top of new roadway surface. New concrete, gravel sub-base, and warning plates at each curb cut to roadway. New granite curbing at each side of roadway and as coordinated with existing catch basins. New topsoil and seed at removal of sidewalk areas, and sweeping walkways and roadway surfaces free of debris before turnover of work to College. Alternate #2 - This alternate includes: Milling approximately 5,900 total square feet (SF) of the top 2" of existing asphalt paving at the Vandenberg Hall Parking Lot off Mohonk Avenue. Complete removal of approximately 1,950 square feet of asphalt or concrete sidewalks and sub-base down to soil and at the south end of Gage Hall off of Southside Loop Road. Sawcutting joint at sidewalks (asphalt and concrete) to be removed. As coordinated with removal locations and quantities, providing and installing: A minimum of 2" new asphalt top course, new tack coat, and modifications necessary to adjust height of existing manhole covers and catch basins to top of new roadway surface. New asphalt topcoat, asphalt binder, and gravel sub-base at each sidewalk removal location. New topsoil and seed as necessary where existing was disturbed by the work or was missing. Alternate #3 - This alternate includes some work at the driveway and sidewalks at the Grimm House or Center for International Programs: Complete removal of approximately 1,500 total square feet (SF) of the top 2" of existing asphalt paving or driveway down to sub-base. Complete removal of approximately 500 square feet of existing asphalt sidewalks and sub-base down to soil (approximately 25 feet on both sides of driveway). Saw cutting joint at sidewalks to be removed on both sides of driveway. As coordinated with removal locations and quantities, providing and installing: New gravel sub-base, asphalt binder, and asphalt topcoat to height of existing sidewalk surface to remain on both sides of driveway. New topsoil and seed at removal of sidewalk areas, and sweeping sidewalks and roadway surfaces free of debris before turnover of work to College. All work on this Contract is to be completed within/by 60 days after the date of the Notice to Proceed. Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at the campus and at the following locations.
Public - State/Provincial
Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
Division 01 - General Requirements
Division 02 - Existing Conditions
Division 03 - Concrete
Division 04 - Masonry
Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
Division 09 - Finishes
Division 10 - Specialties
Division 21 - Fire Suppression
Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security
Division 31 - Earthwork
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements
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