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Saving Project...

Published April 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Athens, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The Athens Area School District is accepting bids for parking lot paving, crack sealing, seal coating and restriping at the Athens Area High School, Harlan Rowe Middle School, Lynch Bustin Elementary School, and SRU Elementary School. Pre-job inspection is available upon request. o Clean and prep the asphalt parking lot and asphalt walkways. Cleaning and prep shall include removing debris and sediment from cracks with high pressure air and cleaning the cracks as well as sweeping of the entire area. Surface must be clean and free of all loose material and dirt. o Contractor shall install Aquaphalt 4.0, in all cracks larger than 1/2-inch-wide the entire depth and length of the crack. Contractor shall follow the manufactures recommendations for installation and preparation of the areas. o Contractor shall install hot rubberized crack filler on all cracks less than 1/2-inch-wide the entire depth and length of the crack. o Contractor shall repair potholes within the lot with hot mix asphalt, 9.5 mm Mix, PG 64-22, 0 to <3.0 Millions ESALS, SRL-E or approved equal on all potholes less than 2.5" in depth. Potholes greater than 2.5" in depth shall use a 19 mm Binder Course and 1" of 9.5 mm Wearing Course, meeting the mix design stated. o Contractor shall treat all grease, oil, gasoline spots or stains with SealMaster Petro Seal or Prep Seal or approved equal. o Contractor shall apply two (2) coats of Seal Coat, applied at a rate of 0.11 to 0.13 gallons per square yard (70-82 square feet per gallon) per coat. Seal Coat shall be applied by either a pressurized spray application equipment or self-propelled squeegee equipment. Pressurized spray equipment shall be capable of spraying pavement sealer with sand added, maintain continuous agitation or mixing capabilities to maintain a homogenous consistency of the pavement sealer throughout the application process. The Self-propelled squeegee equipment shall have at least 2 squeegees or brush devices (one behind the other. Hand squeegee and brushes shall be acceptable in areas where practicality prohibits the use of mechanized equipment. Limitation: Seal Coat shall not be applied when temperatures are expected to drop below 50 degrees F at any time within a 24-hour period after application. New asphalt surfaces shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of 4 weeks under ideal weather conditions (70 degrees F) before application of surface sealer. o Contractor shall re-stripe all pavement marking within the project area. Pavement marking shall include, but not limited to, parking lines, handicapped parking symbols, directional arrows, bus parking line, etc. All pavement markings shall be PPG Zoneline Traffic and Zone marking paint or equivalent. Colors shall match existing pavement markings. The Athens Area Board of Education reserves the right to accept and / or reject any or all bids.

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Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Athens, PA

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Parking Lot Paving, Crack Sealing, Seal Coating and Restriping

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