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Published March 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Castle Rock, Washington. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Indian Health Service (IHS) is conducting a SOURCES SOUGHT as outlined in FAR 15.201(c)(3) to identify potential vendors capable of installing a water pressure system for an existing private well on fee land in Cowlitz County, WA. PURPOSE OF THIS SOURCES SOUGHT The purpose of this sources sought notice is to conduct market research pursuant to FAR Part 10 to gain knowledge of interest, capabilities, and qualifications of firms especially small businesses including: Native American/Indian-Owned Businesses, 8(a) Certified Small Businesses, Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUB-Zone) Small Businesses, Women Owned Small Businesses, Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB), Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB), and Veteran Owned Small Businesses. This notice is intended strictly for Market Research to determine if a 100% Set Aside for Indian Economic Enterprise (IEE) Firms or if a 100% Set Aside for Small business concerns can fulfill the requirements set forth in this request for information. NO PROPOSALS ARE BEING REQUESTED OR ACCEPTED WITH THIS RFI. THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION FOR PROPOSALS. Respondents will NOT be notified of the results of this RFI. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this RFI or any follow-up information requested. Please note that a decision not to submit a response to this RFI will not preclude a vendor from participating in any future solicitation. SUMMARY OF SCOPE This project will provide sanitation facilities to a private home owned by a member of Suquamish Tribe and sponsored by the Cowlitz Tribe. The work is to be completed to a private home, under the jurisdiction of Cowlitz County, located on fee land in Castle Rock, WA. The existing well is a 6-inch diameter, 250-foot deep well. The well is securely capped with a shutoff valve and hose connection. The proposed system is to consist of a submersible pump, up to 220 feet of 1.25" Schedule 80 PVC drop pipe and submersible cable, pitless adapter, well cap, well electrical connection to home, and the installation of a 44-gallon pressure tank, pressure switch, and stand in the garage. The water pressure system installation shall include: Mobilization and Demobilization Installation of well pump (Goulds 10GS10 or equivalent) and controls Installation of up to 220 LF of 1.25" Schedule 80 PVC drop pipe and submersible cable Installation of a pitless adapter and well cap Installation of one pressure system (Amtrol WX-250 or equivalent), pressure switch, and stand In accordance with FAR 36.204, Disclosure of the Magnitude of Construction Projects, the anticipated project magnitude is less than $25,000. The type of work to be performed will be categorized under PSC code Y1ND Construction of Sewage and Waste Facilities and NAICS code 237110 Water and Sewer Line Related Structures Construction with a size standard of $39.5 million. RESPONSES: Responses to this notice must be emailed to Thupten Tsering at thupten.tsering@ihs.gov and must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. PT, March 18, 2022. Responses shall include: 1. Company Information: Company name, website, physical address, SAM UEI Code and/or DUNS number 2. Point of Contact: Contact name, phone number, and E-mail address 3. If a solicitation is issued, will your firm/company be submitting a proposal Indicate Yes or No 4. Type of Business: Native American-owned (IEE/ISBEE), SBA certified 8(a), SBA Certified HUB Zone, Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB), Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), and/or Small Businesses (SB). For more information on the definitions or requirements for these small business programs, refer to http://www.sba.gov. 5. For Indian owned business, the contractor shall complete and submit Attachment 1: IHS IEE Representation Form (Jan 2022) along with the controlling enterprise's Tribal enrollment/certificate of Degree of Indian Blood documentation. Please note that there shall be no personally identifiable information (PII), such as social security numbers, included in the documentation submitted. Any PII shall be redacted prior to submission. 6. Bond Capacity: Information on the firm's bonding capability - specifically identify single and aggregate bonding capacities. 7. Experience Submission Requirements: Submit at least two (2) but no more than five (5) projects completed by your firm within the last seven (7) years that are similar to the work that will be required under this project. Firms shall include the following information: a. Indicate whether Prime Contractor or Subcontractor for each project submitted; b. Dates of construction for each project submitted; c. Contract value, location, completion date, and complexity of job for each project submitted; d. Indicate whether the project is a federal, state, tribal or other for each project submitted; and e. Project references/Agency point of contact (telephone number and e-mail address) for each project submitted. All information received in response to this source sought that is marked proprietary will be handled accordingly QUESTIONS: Questions regarding this sources sought may be emailed to Thupten Tsering at thupten.tsering@ihs.gov The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. Confirming solicitation timeline with the owner.


Water / Sewer


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March 17, 2023


To Be Determined, Castle Rock, WA

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