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Published March 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Elmhurst, Illinois. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Work Site: DuPage Pumping Station, 600 E. Butterfield Rd., Elmhurst, IL. 60126. The Bid Package: The Bid Package consists of the following documents, all of which are by this reference made a part of this Request for Proposals as though fully set forth herein: Request for Proposals; Addenda, if issued; Bidder's Contract/Proposal, including all of its Attachments and Appendices, if any; Other Information Submitted by Bidder, if requested; and Owner's Notification of Acceptance. Inspection and Examination. A copy of the Bid Package may be obtained at the office of Owner as listed above. In making copies of the Bid Package available to prospective Bidders, Owner does so only for the purpose of obtaining Bidder's Proposals and such provision does not confer a license or grant for any other use. Each prospective bidder shall, before submitting its proposal, carefully examine the Contract/Proposal form attached to this Request for Proposals. Each bidder shall also inspect in detail the Work Site described in the Contract/Proposal form and the surrounding area and shall familiarize itself with all conditions under which the Work is to be performed; with the obstacles, unusual conditions, or difficulties that may be encountered, whether or not referred to in the Contract/Proposal; and with all other relevant matters concerning the Work Site and the surrounding area. The bidder whose Contract/ Proposal is accepted will be responsible for all errors in its proposal, including those resulting from its failure or neglect to make a thorough examination and investigation of the Contract/Proposal, and the conditions of the Work Site and the surrounding area. All prospective Bidder's and/or their representatives are required to attend the pre-bid conference. A valid government issued photo ID is required to enter the facility. = Preparation of Proposals: All proposals for the Work shall be made only on the blank Contract/Proposal form attached to this Request for Proposals, and shall be complete with a price for each and every item named in the Schedule of Prices attached to the Contract/Proposal form as Attachment A. All proposals shall be signed by an authorized official. Proposals that contain omissions, erasures, alterations, or additions not called for, conditional or alternate bids unless called for, or that contain irregularities of any kind may be rejected. The work furnished under this contract, and all of its components, shall be provided, performed, and completed in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, orders, rules, and regulations, as they may be modified or amended from time to time, including without limitation the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq. Clarifications: Owner reserves the right to make clarifications, corrections, or changes in this Request for Proposals at any time prior to the time proposals are opened. All bidders or prospective bidders will be informed of said clarifications, corrections, or changes. If any prospective bidder has questions about this Request for Proposals, contact Michael Weed, Operations Supervisor, at 630-834-0100 between the hours of 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Delivery of Proposals: Each proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the title of the contract and bidder's full legal name and shall be addressed and delivered to the place and before the time set forth above. Proposals may be delivered by mail or in person. Proposals received after the time specified above will be returned unopened. Opening of Proposals: Proposals will be publicly opened and read at the time and place specified above. Bidders, their authorized agents, and interested parties are invited to be present. Withdrawal of Proposals No proposal shall be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the opening of any proposal. Rejection of Proposals: Proposals that are not submitted on the Contract/Proposal form or that are not prepared in accordance with these Instructions to Bidders may be rejected. If not rejected, Owner may demand correction of any deficiency and accept the deficiently prepared proposal upon compliance with these Instructions to Bidders. Acceptance of Proposals: Proposals are being solicited pursuant to, and will be acted upon, in accordance with Article VIII, Section 5 of the Owner's By-Laws. Proposals submitted are offers only and the decision to accept or reject is a function of quality, reliability, capability, reputation, and expertise of the bidders. Owner reserves the right to accept the proposal that is, in its judgment, the best and most favorable to the interests of Owner and to the public; to reject the low price proposal; to accept any item of any proposal; to reject any and all proposals; and to waive irregularities and informalities in any proposal submitted or in the request for proposal process; provided, however, the waiver of any prior defect or informality shall not be considered a waiver of any future or similar defect or informality. Bidders should not rely upon, or anticipate, such waivers in submitting their proposal. Owner shall notify the successful Bidder's of the acceptance of its proposal by the transmission of the Acceptance in the form attached to the Contract/Proposal as Attachment E. Upon the transmission of the Acceptance by the Owner, the Contract Documents shall become the contract for the Work.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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