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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Shoreview, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Site Directions: Various locations throughout the City of Shoreview. Said bids to be for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction, complete and in place in accordance with the plans and specifications for the following estimated quantities of work: 3,430 LF Remove Curb & Gutter 5,180 SY Remove Bituminous Walk (Trail) 4,600 CY Remove Excess Reclaimed Material 240 RDST Subgrade Preparation 420 TON Aggregate Base Class 5 8,300 SY Mill Bituminous Surface (2") 60,150 SY Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation 14,600 LF Sawed & Sealed Joint 41,900 LF Joint Adhesive 141,400 GAL Bituminous Emulsion 620 TON Type SP 9.5 Wear Course (SPWEA230C) - Trail 5,980 TON Type SP 9.5 Wear Course (SPWEA230C) - Road 2,520 TON Type SP 9.5 Wear Course (SPWEA330C) - Road 620 SY Bituminous Driveway Pavement 87 EA Reconstruct Drainage Structure 106 EA Casting Assembly 175 SF 4" Concrete Sidewalk 200 SF 6" Concrete Sidewalk 1,280 LF Concrete Curb & Gutter B618 2,070 LF Concrete Curb & Gutter Surmountable 720 SY 6" Concrete Driveway Pavement 36 SF Truncated Domes 1,550 SY Sod w/6" Topsoil 200 CY Common Topsoil Borrow 0.5 ACRE Seeding 1,600 LB Hydraulic Stabilized Fiber Matrix 118 LB Seed Mixture 25-131 (220-lbs/acre) 7,350 LF 4" Solid Line Paint 4,760 LF 4" Double Solid Line Paint 210 SF Crosswalk Paint (Epoxy) Ground In 56 EA Gate Valve Rehabilitation 3 EA Remove & Replace Drainage Structure The provisions of MINN. STAT. 16C.285 Responsible Contractor are imposed as a requirement of this contract. Bids will be not considered unless accompanied by a bid bond payable to the City of Shoreview, for five percent (5%) of the amount bid to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event the bid is accepted and the bidder fails to enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required bond. All bidders for contract amounts of $100,000 or more shall require contractors, sub-contractors, and vendors which have 40 or more full-time employees to submit a copy of their affirmative action certification for the current period after their bid, before construction. SAP NO. 167-243-005,167-256-008.167-265-002 The owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to accept the bid deemed in their best interest. It is expected that the City of Shoreview will consider the bids at their council meeting on April 18, 2022.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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