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Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Orleans, Massachusetts. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

RFQ: Town Hall Annex Renovation Study. The Orleans Town Administrator seeks submissions from qualified Designers, as defined to perform a feasibility study for renovating the Town Hall Annex located at 139 Main Street. The primary scope is to provide two meeting rooms in the upper level, municipal compliant archive storage in the lower level, ancillary spaces, parking lot modifications and site improvements for welcoming functionality and comfort. The quality of improvements are envisioned to be similar to the adjacent Town Hall. The qualified Designer will determine the scope of what is required to meet current and future space needs while adhering to building codes and DOER's Green Communities energy efficiency criteria. Although ACBM abatement work has been previously performed, a building wide survey will be necessary. The work will also include commissioning an independent cost estimate for the renovation and associated Owner's development costs. Depending on the successful outcome of this study, the Owner may choose to continue on with the Study Phase Designer for subsequent project phases. The Design Selection Committee will submit a Designer recommendation to the Awarding Authority by December 2, 2022. The Study completion is scheduled for April 28, 2023. The project fee shall be negotiated, with the maximum cost not to exceed $60,000. The Town Administrator reserves the right to accept and/or reject any and all submissions and waive any informality in the selection procedures to the extent allowed by law and make the award as may be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. The building was constructed in 1960 and each level, upper and lower, is about 2,200 SF. It is a poorly insulted envelope wrapped with vinyl siding. The HVAC is limited to an oil fired forced hot air furnace with largely uninsulated ductwork. Summer time cooling consists of window mounted AC units. The building's septage discharge is processed through the Town Hall' IA septic system. Within four years, a sewer connection should be available. The electrical service is 200 amps, single phase with Romex distribution. The building has no fire protection and no backup electrical generator. The Town is undergoing a transformation to convert many documents to a digital format. However, the continued need for keeping paper documents has overwhelmed the Town's existing storage capacity. In order to maintain an archive system to withstand the elements and other potential disasters, we are envisioning something more robust than what this building offers. Attached for consideration is a Federal Standards for Records Storage Facilities Checklist. We are anticipating that the outcome of this study will be an agreed upon criteria for code and standards compliance with a feasibility level opinion of costs to accomplish the transformation. The total fee for services to complete Milestones #1 and #2 will be negotiated but shall not exceed $60,000. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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January 2, 2023


139 Main St, Orleans, MA

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