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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

North Main St. Streambank stabilization includes but is not limited to: mobilization, stabilization of approximately 40 linear feet of eroding streambank using bioengineering methods, removal of existing material and debris, grading, installation of new RCP pipe, tie-in to existing stormwater pipe, replacement and repair of existing sidewalks as described in Bid Schedule. The contractor shall be responsible for all State and local permits and Call Before You Dig matters. The contractor will provide all necessary traffic control signs, cones, etc. and provide flagmen as needed. The contractor is also responsible for notifying businesses and residences within each work zone of the construction schedule and of any changes to that schedule. The contractor must complete all work before June 1st, 2022. All questions and requests for clarification of the plans and specifications must be emailed to Michael Huffman: No verbal answers will be given. Bid bonds, payment bonds, or performance bonds will not be required for this Project. TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE WORK/LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The Contractor shall have until June 1, 2022 to complete the work. The Contractor shall incur liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per day that the work is delayed beyond the completion date of June 1, 2022, continuing until the Project is successfully completed. The parties agree that the City's damages would be difficult to determine in the event of a delay in the work beyond June 1, 2022. The sum of $500.00 per day is not a penalty, but is agreed to be liquidated damages. **As of April 25, 2022, project was awarded to Austin Construction but awarded amount is not available.** **As of April 25, 2022, project was awarded to Austin Construction but awarded amount is not available.** **As of April 25, 2022, project was awarded to Austin Construction but awarded amount is not available.** **As of April 25, 2022, project was awarded**As of April 25, 2022, project was awarded to Austin Construction but awarded amount is not available.** to Austin Construction but awarded amount is not available.** The contractor shall, unless otherwise specified, supply and pay for all labor, transportation, materials, tools, apparatus, lights, power, fuel, sanitary facilities and incidentals necessary for the completion of his work, and shall install, maintain and remove all equipment of the construction, other utensils or things, and be responsible for the safe, proper and lawful construction, maintenance and use of same, and shall construct in the best and most workmanlike manner, a complete job and everything incidental thereto, as shown on the plans, stated in the specifications, or reasonably implied there from, all in accordance with the contract documents. All materials shall be new and of quality specified, except where reclaimed material is authorized herein and approved for use. Workmanship shall at all times be of a grade accepted as the best practice of the particular trade involved, and as stipulated in written standards of recognized organizations or institutes of the respective trades except as exceeded or qualified by the specifications. No changes shall be made in the Work except upon written approval and change order of the Designer/Owner. Change orders shall be subject to provisions in the current North Carolina Construction Manual. Products are generally specified by ASTM or other reference standard and/or by manufacturer's name and model number or trade name. When specified only by reference standard, the Contractor may select any product meeting this standard, by any manufacturer. When several products or manufacturers are specified as being equally acceptable, the Contractor has the option of using any product and manufacturer combination listed. The Contractor shall assure proper storage, meeting Federal and State regulations, of all potentially toxic and/or harmful chemicals or materials, to prevent possible access to these materials. The Contractor shall be responsible, at the completion of each day's work, to leave the site in a clean workmanlike condition. The Contractor shall always keep the site and surrounding area reasonably free from rubbish and shall remove debris from the site from time to time or when directed to do so by the Owner. Before final inspection and acceptance of the project, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean the site, and completely prepare the project and site for use by the owner/ public. The contractor shall unconditionally guarantee materials and workmanship against patent defects arising from faulty materials, faulty workmanship or negligence for a period of twelve (12} months following the final acceptance of the work and shall replace such defective materials or workmanship without cost to the owner. Where items of equipment or material carry a manufacturer's warranty for any period in excess of twelve (12} months, then the manufacturer's warranty shall apply for that particular piece of equipment or material. The contractor shall replace such defective equipment or materials, without cost t to t h e owner, within the manufacturer's warranty period. Additionally, the owner may bring an action for latent defects caused by the negligence of the contractor, which is hidden or not readily apparent to the owner at the time of beneficial occupancy or final acceptance, whichever occurred first, in accordance with applicable law. The City of Hendersonville reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive informalities.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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April 8, 2022

May 1, 2022


N Main St, Hendersonville, NC

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