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Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The works and requirements under this Contract generally include, but are not limited to, the following: Highland Fernwood SSI 2024-010 Preparation of appropriate project planning documentation and specified submittals, including but not limited to risk identification and mitigation/ execution/ logistic plans, commissioning/ testing plans, and environmental plans. Unless specified otherwise, furnish all materials, equipment, tools and labour necessary to do the WORK and shall load and unload, haul and distribute all pipes, concrete weights, supports, fittings, backfill, and accessories. The construction of approximately 125m of new 100mm diameter HDPE pipe along the lakebed to the pump house and the intake screen on St Mary Lake at the Highland Fernwood water treatment plant. The construction of an onshore valve vault at Highland Fernwood water treatment plant. All required erosion and sediment control management including but not limited to a site-specific erosion and sediment control plan and ongoing management of the plan. All Tenderers are required to provide a site-specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan with their tender submission outlining how they propose to keep all silt and sediment from entering St Mary Lake during construction. Adherence to all requirements as laid out in "Fernwood Water Treatment Plant Upgrades Construction Environmental Management Plan" GreatPacific Consulting, 2024, attached as Appendix D. Establish all layout information and maintain as-built data. If required, any and all traffic management required for site access, equipment and material staging, welding and pipe trains, storage and parking, including but not limited to; drafting, submitting and ongoing management of site-specific traffic management plan(s) (one lane to remain open at all times).The successful Tenderer, where required, will be required to provide an approved Traffic Management Plan prior to commencing construction work on site. The restoration of all disturbed surfaces. All work to be undertaken within the guidance of, and in accordance with the CRD Archaeological Chance Find Management Plan that forms part of this document and is attached as Appendix F. All Health and Safety requirements in accordance with Section 8 of the Instructions to Tenderers and Article 21 and 35 of the General Conditions. All Tenderers are required to provide a methodology statement on how the following will be staged and undertaken: Work near or within the lake and lakebed. Construction transition between the lake and the land, including trenching and/or dredging plans. Welding, pipe train management, moving pipe into place/lake and placing pipe weights. Dewatering. Beddis SSI 2024-011 Preparation of appropriate project planning documentation and specified submittals, including but not limited to risk identification and mitigation/ execution/ logistic plans, commissioning/ testing plans, and environmental plans. Unless specified otherwise, furnish all materials, equipment, tools and labour necessary to do the WORK and shall load and unload, haul and distribute all pipes, concrete weights, supports, fittings, backfill, and accessories. The construction of approximately 80m of new 100mm diameter HDPE pipe along the lakebed to the pump house and intake screen on Cusheon Lake at the Beddis water treatment plant. The construction of an onshore valve vault at Beddis water treatment plant. The construction of pumphouse pipework and electrical upgrades at the Beddis water treatment plant. All required erosion and sediment control management including but not limited to a site-specific erosion and sediment control plan and ongoing management of the plan. All Tenderers are required to provide a site-specific Erosion and Sediment Control Plan with their tender submission outlining how they propose to keep all silt and sediment from entering Cusheon Lake during construction. Adherence to all requirements as laid out in "Beddis Water Treatment Plant Intake Upgrades Construction Environmental Management Plan" GreatPacific Consulting, 2024, attached as Appendix E. Establish all layout information and maintain as-built data. If required, any and all traffic management required for site access, equipment and material staging, welding and pipe trains, storage and parking, including but not limited to; drafting, submitting and ongoing management of site-specific traffic management plan(s) (one lane to remain open at all times).The successful Tenderer, where required, will be required to provide an approved Traffic Management Plan prior to commencing construction work on site. The restoration of all disturbed surfaces. All work to be undertaken within the guidance of, and in accordance with the CRD Archaeological Chance Find Management Plan that forms part of this document and is attached as Appendix F. All Health and Safety requirements in accordance with Section 8 of the Instructions to Tenderers and Article 21 and 35 of the General Conditions. All Tenderers are required to provide a methodology statement on how the following will be staged and undertaken: Work near or within the lake and lakebed. Construction transition between the lake and the land, including trenching and/or dredging plans. Welding, pipe train management, moving pipe into place/lake and placing pipe weights. Dewatering Documents can be obtained from and 1039-003 Question Deadline 06/11/2024 For information and/or enquiries on this project please contact Doug Weihing at 250 538 4312 or


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Renovation, Site Work




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Cusheon Lake, Salt Spring Island, BC

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