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Saving Project...

Published April 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Steubenville, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Resurfacing by method of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete on designated streets in Steubenville, Ohio. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. All work will include, but not be limited to the following: removal of existing asphalt concrete by milling where indicated, full depth pavement repair using hot-mix asphalt concrete where indicated, cleaning, tacking and paving streets with asphalt concrete, as per specifications. Adjusting to grade valve boxes, manholes and catch basins, as specified. The following streets are included in the contract: BASE BID: Eve Drive from Plum Street to Orchard Street Moreland Drive from Eve Drive to Eve Drive Mary Street from Murphy Avenue to its West Terminus Murphy Avenue from Plum Street to its North Terminus Cedar Avenue from Plum Street to its North Terminus ADD ALTERNATE: ADD ALT. 1 - Canterbury Blvd. from South Terminus to Kingston Ave. (Part B) ADD ALT. 2 - Canterbury Blvd. from Kingston Ave. to North Terminus (Part A) ADD ALT. 3 - Kingston Ave. from Rosslyn Blvd. to Canterbury Blvd ADD ALT. 4 - Plum Street from Eve Drive to Lawson Avenue Bids shall be on a unit price basis and shall be in writing on proposal blanks furnished by the City Engineer. The Bid must be accompanied by the Bid Guaranty. At the option of the Bidder, the guaranty may be a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond in accordance with Section 153.571 of the Ohio Revised Code which is included, or a bid bond on the included form in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the Bid. Cash deposits will not be accepted. The Bid guaranty shall insure the execution of the Agreement and the furnishings of the Surety bond or bonds by the successful Bidder, all as required by the Contract Documents. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond or Bonds. The Bidder shall be ODOT Pre-qualified for types of work he is performing with his own forces (not subcontracting) for items that total a minimum of 30% of the awarded contract amount. The Engineer's estimated cost for the Base Bid Total is $357,641.00. Due to funding agency requirements the City will not be able to enter into a contract until after July 1, 2022. The City intends and requires that this project be started no sooner than July 11, 2022. The completion date for this project is September 30, 2022. The City of Steubenville, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any informalities in the bidding. All questions prior to the bid date shall be directed by e-mail to: Michael Dolak, P.E., City Engineer E-mail: mdolak@cityof steubenville.us Bids may be held by the City of Steubenville, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date of the opening of bids, for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of the bidders, prior to awarding of the contract.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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April 6, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Steubenville, OH

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