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Site work and paving for a civil project in Salem, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK Work includes the furnishing of all materials, labor, equipment and all that may be incidental to construction of the Smith Gap Landfill Phase VII Expansion Project. This Work involves the following. - Clearing and grubbing and topsoil recovery - Site excavation and structural fill placement - Furnish and install bottom liner geosynthetics (geosynthetic clay liner, 60 mil textured HDPE geomembrane, drainage geocomposite, geotextile) - Furnish and install leachate collection system stone and protective cover - Liner tie-in with adjacent cells - Leachate collection system HDPE pipe and stone columns - Perimeter berms - Perimeter roadways - Access road extension - Stormwater controls - Erosion and sedimentation controls BID SECURITY Each proposal shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check or a certified check, on some Bank or Trust Company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the Base Bid proposal; or in lieu thereof, a BIDDER may offer a bid bond executed by a corporate surety licensed under the laws of Virginia to execute such bond; conditioned that the surety will upon demand forthwith make payment to the obligee upon said bond if the BIDDER fails to execute the contract in accordance with the bid bond, and upon failure to forthwith make payment, the surety shall pay to the obligee an amount equal to the amount of said bond in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The deposit shall be retained if the successful BIDDER fails to execute the contract within ten days (10) after notice of award or fails to give satisfactory surety as required herein. Bid Bonds should be sealed in a separate envelope, marked as such and attached to the envelope containing the BIDDERs proposal. Checks are to be made payable to RVRA. Facsimile bid bonds will not be accepted. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS Performance and Labor and Materials Payment Bonds in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Amount will be required by the successful BIDDER. Bonds shall be in conformance with Title 2.2, Chapter 43 of the Code of Virginia Bids shall be on a firm lump sum price basis with provision of unit prices for addition or reduction of quantities of work from that requested in the contract documents and a breakdown of lump sum costs Qualification of BIDDER shall be in accordance with Section 00 21 13. Further, the Owner may make such other investigations as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the BIDDER to perform the Work, and the BIDDER shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any Bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such BIDDER fails to satisfy the Owner that such BIDDER is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein . The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, and to waive irregularities or informalities in any Bid .


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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8484 Bradshaw Rd, Salem, VA

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