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Published March 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 2,000-square-foot, two-story above grade library.

Renovation of the Penn State Scranton Campus Library Classroom Building. Total Project Cost of $12.5M. The project scope includes renovation of existing spaces, building systems renewal, and construction of approximately 2,000 sf to include mechanical space. The Library Classroom Building was built in 1970 and is 20,800 gsf divided equally over two stories. The project proposes consolidating and renovating Libraries on the first floor and renovating the ground floor for Nursing. The Penn State University Scranton Campus is planning a renovation of the Library Classroom Building. The project is a renovation to the existing 20,800 SF two story building located at the western edge of campus. The project is proposing to consolidate Libraries to the first floor and then renovate the entire 10,400 GSF on the ground floor for Nursing. An addition totaling approximately 2,000 GSF is proposed for mechanical space along with a lobby to better address building circulation. The project will be introducing a sprinkler system, replacing windows, and renewing building mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. On the first-floor level, the program includes renovation of the 10,400 GSF with spatial reconfigurations along with finish upgrades throughout. Like the ground floor, a sprinkler system will be installed, windows will be replaced and building mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems renewed. The goals of the project include the following: o Provide adequate program space for the growing Nursing program. o Provide an identity on campus for the Nursing program. o Provide upgrades to Library finishes and materials. o Improve building mechanical systems and ADA accessibility The total project budget is $12,500,000. It is expected that construction will start in December 2022 and be complete in December 2023. As of March 9, 2023, further details regarding completion timeline have not been released. *Project information, including timeline and contacts, has been obtained through public sources. The content management team continues to pursue additional details; however, the contact(s) listed have yet to disclose or confirm any information. Inquiries should be directed to the contact(s) listed.

Under Construction



Public - State/Provincial

LEED Certification, Renovation

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Library Classroom Renovation - Scranton Campus

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