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Site work for a civil project in Tarboro, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

PROJECTS 1. Hwy 64 Booster Pump Station Improvement a. Replacement of Booster Station Building, Booster Pumps, Chemical Feeds, Water Mains, Valves, Back-up Generator and other applicable items. 2. Water Storage Tank - Paint & Mixers a. Repainting three (3) water storage tanks and installing four (4) mixers 3. New Sewer Installation - Lone Pine MHP a. Installation of gravity sewer to alleviate approximately 60 failing and/or inadequate septic systems. 4. Water Line Extension - Eagles Road a. Installation of approximately 4,000LF of 6" water main along the section of Eagles Road between US 258 S and NC 124 E to complete a loop in the water system along with providing potable water to approximately 20 potential customers. 5. Water Meter Replacement a. Replacement of approximately 5,600 water meters, ranging from 3/4 " - 12" meters throughout the entire Edgecombe County Water & Sewer System. This project would also include installation of "Data Collection Towers". 6. SCADA System Upgrade a. Upgrade Edgecombe County's current SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) System. Edgecombe County is soliciting proposals from qualified engineers, interested in providing engineering services for the purposes of designing and construction management of varying water & sewer projects throughout Edgecombe County. Edgecombe County will follow a Qualifications Based Selection process as required by North Carolina General Statutes. A team of Edgecombe County staff members will select the most qualified firm to negotiate a contract for services. This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) provides complete information on the services being sought, the submittal requirements and timeline. Questions about the RFQ are to be submitted in writing, electronically to Michael Matthews at or by written correspondence, Attn: Mr. Michael Matthews, Assistant County Manager. Questions must be received by March 23, 2022. Reponses to the questions will be posted on the County's website at electronically. Proposals shall not be considered confidential, and no information contained therein shall be treated by the County as either confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information. The contents of the proposals shall be considered public records of the County. Any firm submitting a proposal hereunder further acknowledges and agrees that the County is a public entity, which is required to abide by laws governing public records and shall not be liable for disclosures required by law. All materials submitted in response to this RFQ shall become the property of the County upon delivery to the address set forth above. This RFQ does not obligate Edgecombe County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of a proposal. This RFQ does not obligate Edgecombe County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. The successful firm must assure that services performed meet all currennt industry standards, follow best practices, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Edgecombe County invites and encourages participation in the procurement process by businesses owned by minorities, women and disabled business enterprises. Edgecombe County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to terminate this RFQ at any time. Any proposal submitted without the expressed requirements of this RFQ, or submitted after the deadline will be rejected. The County will review submitted proposals and select the highest ranked and most qualified firm. The County reserves the right to disqualify any firm on the basis of any real or apparent conflict of interest, openly disclosed or otherwise. Once selected, the County will negotiate with the firm a fee schedule and a not-to-exceed contract amount. All expenses associated with response to this RFQ are the responsibility of the responder. RFQ Event : Proposals are to be delivered to: Mailing Address: Edgecombe County Attn: Michael Matthews, Assistant County Manager PO Box 10 Tarboro, NC 27886. Physical Address: Edgecombe County Administration Building Michael Matthews, Assistant County Manager County Attorneys Office Suite 428 201 St. Andrew Street Tarboro, NC 27886. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

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October 12, 2023


Multiple Locations, Tarboro, NC

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