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Published June 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Tawas City, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid and to reject any and all bids, or accept any bid that is considered most favorable to the Owner. The floor is to be properly sanded to bare wood using coarse, medium and fine sandpaper. The floor is to be prepped to remove any evidence of sander marks. Following this, all dust/debris is to be properly removed and disposed. The floor will then be sealed with a minimum of two coats of gym seal. Game Lines and artwork are to be applied to gym seal. Following this, the floor is to be prepared for proper adhesion of a minimum of two coats of finish. All work must be completed following manufacturers specified guidelines. The existing artwork and existing game lines will be removed in the sanding process, they will be replaced exactly as they are. A digital image will be provided. Paint: The Game Lines and Artwork are to be painted using a high quality, gloss enamel. The paint must have a high level of hiding, durability, and fade resistance. The School System requires that contractors include literature on the type of paint that is bid. Seal: The floor is to be sealed with a high quality, oil based gym floor seal. The seal must be from a recognized manufacturer. The School System requires that contractors include literature on the type of seal that is bid. Finish: The floor is to be coated with a high quality oil based sport floors finish. The finish must be from a recognized manufacturer. In order to guarantee proper adhesion to the gym floor seal, the finish must be from the same manufacturer as the gym floor seal. The bidder must include literature on the type of finish that is bid. The School System requires that contractors include literature for the finish that is bid. All finish must be equal to or better than BETCO OMU 450




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To Be Determined, Tawas City, MI

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