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Published June 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a transportation facility in North Bergen, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility.

This is a State of New Jersey funded project (#6308329). To bid on this project your company must have a valid and current business license issued by the State of Jersey. Prevailing wage rates will apply for laborers, craftsmen, and apprentices, and you will be required to submit a certified payroll record. To be eligible, Bidders must provide a copy of their FRA 219 Drug & Alcohol Testing Plan along with the acceptance of their plan by the Federal Railroad Administration with their bid form. To be eligible, Bidders must provide proof of proper Roadway Worker Training (RWT) Certification. Training must include NORAC Electronic Device Rules. Bidder must provide a list of all employees certified for NYS&W Records. This will be required for all field employees working on NYS&W tracks. To receive training, Contractors may go online and take the Spark Training Solutions Course SPRK-RW2141 Roadway Worker Protection. All Bidders shall submit their Bid based on completing the Work by July 29, 2022. Submittal of a Bid is acknowledgment that the Bidder understands that the Bid is to complete all Work on time, including all construction, clean-up and demobilization, no later than July 29, 2022. Within five (5) business days of notification of preliminary acceptance, the Bidder shall submit a Construction Schedule showing the dates the various work tasks will begin and be completed. The schedule shall show all applicable major work items, submittals, critical path items, and milestones. Final award of the contract is subject to NYSWs acceptance of the Construction Schedule. The right is reserved by The New York, Susquehanna and Western Railway Corporation to waive any informality and reject any or all bids. The purpose ofthis contract is to prepare a compacted track bed surface for the railroad (NYS&W) to construct their proposed 3600' siding track. Work will include the following activities: Scope ofWork on the North Bergen Roadbed Construction for 3,600' Serving Yard Track Clear existing vegetation within the project limits and Railroad ROW as necessary to construct the proposed project. Excavate existing ground where required within the project limits to construct the proposed roadbed to the lines and grades shown in the contract plans. Place suitable excavation material generated within the project limits where required to construct the proposed roadbed to the lines and grades shown in the contract plans. Replace two existing 36" SICPP pipes with new 36" RCP Class V pipes. Replace one existing 24" SICPP pipe with new 36" RCP Class V pipe. Construct stone lined ditch on the north end ofthe project using railroad ballast material Dispose of excess excavated material generated from the project area to a site to be determined by NYS&W within the existing railroad ROW.


Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, North Bergen, NJ

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