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Published April 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a civil project in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of a new oxidation ditch type wastewater treatment system including inlet facility, grit and scum removal unit, grit and scum pump house, biological units, secondary clarifiers, RAS/WAS pump station, UV disinfection system, effluent Parshall flume, post-aeration structure, outfall structure, aerobic digesters, blower facility, electrical building, standby power generators, and flow division structures. Construction also includes electrical, mechanical, excavation, painting, yard piping, fencing, and all other forms set out in the drawings and specifications for a complete installation. BID PACKAGES # 1 Concrete Area A # 2 Concrete Area B # 3 Concrete Area C # 4 Masonry # 5 Structural and Misc Metal - Material Only # 6 Structural and Misc Steel - Installation Only # 7 Carpentry and Misc Items # 8 Waterproofing and Joint Sealers # 9 HM Doors and Frames, Door Hardware, Fire Protection Specialties and Loading Dock EQ - Material Only # 10 FRP Doors and Frames - Material Only # 11 HM Doors and Frames, FRP Doors and Frames, Door Hardware, Fire Protection Specialties and Loading Dock EQ - Installation Only # 12 Overhead Coiling Doors # 13 Aluminum Windows # 14 Metal Studs, Gypsum Board, and Acoustical Ceilings # 15 Painting # 16 Extruded Flat Cover (Post Aeration Basin Cover) # 17 Metal Building Systems - Material Only # 18 Metal Building Systems - Installation Only # 19 Plumbing # 20 Heating and Ventilation System # 21 Electrical and Instrumentation # 22 Fencing # 23 Interior Piping # 24 Exterior Piping # 25 SS Stop Logs - Material Only # 26 SS Slide Gates, SS Weir Gates, SS Channel Gates, and Elec Motor Actuators - Material Only # 27 Elec Motor Actuators, SS Stop Logs, SS Slide Gates, SS Weir Gates, and SS Channel Gates - Installation Only # 28 Parshall Flumes - Material Only # 29 Hoist System # 30 Grit Pump and Hydrogritter Material Only # 31 Progressing Cavity Pps Material Only # 32 Packaged Wastewater Pumping Stations, Drain Pps, RAS Pps, WAS Pps, and Fermenter Pps - Material Only # 33 Grit Pp, Progressing Cavity Pps, Drain Pps, RAS Pps, WAS Pps and Fermenter Pps, and Hydrogritter - Installation Only # 34 Stair Screens and Screenings Washing and Compacting EQ - Material and Installation # 35 Grit Collector EQ Column Supported Scraper Type, Secondary Clarifier EQ, Circular Gravity Thickeners, and FRP Launder Covers - Installation Only # 36 FRP Density Current Baffles and Launder Covers - Material Only # 37 Cascade Aerator EQ - Material Only # 38 Cascade Aerator EQ - Installation Only # 39 Biological Unit - Installation Only # 40 UV Disinfection EQ - Material Only # 41 UV Disinfection EQ - Installation Only # 42 Rotary Lobe Compressors and Aerobic Digester Aeration EQ - Material and Installation # 43 Combination of any above Packages Requests for information, clarifications, and questions shall be submitted to the Construction Manager no later than 5:00pm Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Project engineer shall issue addendums as he deems appropriate to answer questions. Successful bidders providing a complete, responsive, and responsible bid will be required to execute a Subcontract with Van Horn Construction, Inc. which is available for review in the Construction Management Manual. Additionally, bidders must be prepared to provide insurance as specified in the Construction Management Manual. Bidders must comply with regulatory and licensing requirements of the State of Arkansas as well as all other applicable State statutes. To be considered, bidders must be licensed on day of bid opening. By providing a bid, firms accept the obligation to honor bids for a period of 30 days after the bid openings. BID GUARANTEE AND PERFORMANCE BONDS If bid exceeds $50,000, each bid will include a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid offered payable to Van Horn Construction, Inc. It will be in the form of a cashier's check or insurance surety bond using AIA Document A310 with Power of Attorney attached. Bond is to be made payable to Van Horn Construction, Inc. A "Performance and Payment Bond" or a "Material Supply Bond" in the amount of 100% of the total amount of the bid, will be furnished by each successful bidder if exceeding $50,000, within ten (10) days after receipt of the Owner's, referred to in this specification, intent to award notice. Failure to furnish the required bonds may cause forfeiture of bid guarantee to the owner as liquidated damages. The "Performance and Payment Bond" or the "Material Supply Bond" will be in the amount equal to 100% of the contract price as security for the faithful performance of this contract price and for payment of all indebtedness for labor and materials furnished or performed in connection with this contract. The bond will be written by a surety company which is qualified and is authorized to do business in the State of Arkansas, according to A.C.A. 22-9-402(a)(b) and filing with said bond, his power of attorney as his authority. The bond will be written in favor of the Construction Manager and executed per Arkansas state law. An original and two (2) copies of the bond must be furnished, with power of attorney attached to each. The Owner and Construction Manager reserve the right to reject any or all bids, based on availability of funding, to waive formalities in the bids received, to evaluate bids, and to accept any bid or bids which, in their opinion, may be in the best interest of the Owner. *Addendum 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been released.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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April 29, 2022

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1605 Willett Rd, Jonesboro, AR

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