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Published March 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hazleton, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible Bidder for furnishing and/or placing the following materials or performing the following tasks during the calendar year, 2022. Superpave: PG64-22, 9.5mm, Wearing Course Superpave :PG64-22, 19.0mm, Binder Course Superpave :PG64-22, 25.0mm, Base Course 2A Stone, TAC Coat, Milling, Flowable Fill Class AA Cement Concrete CRS-2 (E-3) Cationic Emulsified Asphalt AASHTO #8 - Washed ANTI-SKID (AS3 or AS2) COLD PATCH (TYPE-2 & TYPE-3) THE CONTRACT quantities are estimated and will be increased in accordance with the receipt of $3.0 million in infrastructure loans. The funding will be utilized to finance a Citywide milling and paving program. The work will be scheduled for the 2022 Paving season. BIDDERS will be required to furnish with their Bid a Certified Check or Corporate Bid Bond payable to the City of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, in an amount equal to that stated in the proposal blank, said check or bond to be surrendered to the City of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, by the successful Bidder if they fail to enter into a Contract within the time specified by City Ordinance. PARTIES RECEIVING the Contract will be required to abide by the provisions of a City Ordinance relating to Contracts requiring a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond each in an amount equal to his Bid. FEDERAL Prevailing Wage Rates shall apply to applicable portions of this Contract. THE CITY OF HAZLETON reserves the right to adjust quantities upward or downward as deemed in the best interests of the City. THE CITY OF HAZLETON reserves the right to award the Contract to multiple Bidders, item by item, if it is deemed in the best interest of the City. THE CITY OF HAZLETON reserved the right to reject any or all Bids and re-advertise for the same. NO BIDS will be accepted unless upon forms furnished by the City Engineer. Bidding forms contain an escalator clause. The award of this contract will be made on the basis of the lowest responsible Bidder, location of supply source, location of plant site and other factors which are deemed in the best interest of the City.BIDDING FORMS and all other information may be obtained at the Office of the City Engineer, Third Floor, City Hall Building, and 40 North Church Street, Hazleton, Pennsylvania 18201. 570-459-4918.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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