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Published May 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a bridge / tunnel in Conway, Arkansas. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

Removal, Disposal, and Reapplication of Paint at Select Locations of the Superstructure of Bridge 05141 for Inspection Purposes. All or None Bids Will Only Be Considered. Contact Person: Andy Nanneman, State Heavy Bridge Maintenance Engineer - (501-569-2983) Project Location and Details: Ardot District 1, P.o. Box 278, Wynne Ar 72396-0278 Job Name: Bridge 05141 2022 Paint Removal for Inspection Approximately 500 square feet of steel will need the paint removed, contained, properly disposed and reapplication of the paint system applied. Approximately 47 locations will require paint removal to SSPC-SP-10 condition. These locations require paint removal are weld locations along 16' tall and 4' wide box girders. The weld locations will either be the top or bottom half of the vertical web plates or the inside face of the flange overhangs of the top or bottom flange. Approximately 12" wide sections will need to be removed centered on marked welds. The attached sketch shows paint removal areas on the bottom half girder, at other locations the corresponding areas on the top half will require paint removal. Locations are marked in the field. There are approximately 47 locations along the two box girders within the 1856' of spans W28-W32. See the attached sketches and bridge plans for information regarding access. ARDOT's Aspen Aerials A-75 Under Bridge Inspection Unit is able to access all locations. The work is to be coordinated with the inspecting contractor's schedule. Paint is to be removed overnight at the locations to be inspected the following day. The following night they should be repainted, and other locations prepared for inspection. The Contractor or Subcontractor engaged in surface coating application and surface preparation on steel structures shall be certified Steel Structures Painting Council-Qualified Procedures 1 (SSPC-QP1) and SSPC-QP2 by the SSPC Painting Contractor Certification Program (PCCP). The painting Contractor or Subcontractor shall be certified before bidding and shall remain certified for the duration of the project. Location: Spans W28-W32 of Bridge 05141 - I-40, Section 52, Log mile 284.27 to 285.04 The MOT will be limited to one outside lane at a time and the following times: All Westbound Lanes will need to remain open on M-F from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm All Eastbound Lanes will need to remain open M-F from 6:30 am to 8:30 am. Paint System: See Section 807 and 820 of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions. Prime Coat: One Coat of Inorganic Zinc, 3 Mil Dft Minimum Unless Noted. Intermediate Epoxy Tie Coat: 2 Mil Dft Minimum Finish Coat: One Coat Urethane, 3 Mil Dft Minimum, Gray - Federal Standard 595b Color Chip 34090 Maximum Dft for Each Coat as Recommended by Coating Manufacturer. All Surfaces to Be Painted Shall Be Clean and Free of Dust or Other Objectionable Matter. Worker Protection: Our Maintenance Records Indicate That This Bridge Was Originally Painted With Materials Containing Lead and/or Chromates and the Contractor Shall Be Required to Proceed Accordingly and Take All Mandatory Safeguards Prescribed by the State and Federal Law for Worker Protection and Hazardous Materials Disposal. Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of total bid price is required of all bidders at time of bid opening or bid will be rejected. Personal and company checks are not acceptable as Bid Bonds. See Condition 4 on page 1 of Standard Bid Conditions. Performance Bond only (no checks of any kind allowed) in the amount of 100% will be required of successful bidder prior to providing goods/services. See Condition 4 on page 1 of Standard Bid Conditions. The Arkansas State Highway Commission, through ArDOT, complies with all civil rights provisions of federal statutes and related authorities that prohibit discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Therefore, ArDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion (not applicable as a protected group under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Title VI Program), disability, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or low-income status in the admission, access to and treatment in the ArDOT's programs and activities, as well as the ArDOT's hiring or employment practices. Complaints of alleged discrimination and inquiries regarding the ArDOT's nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Joanna P. McFadden Section Head - EEO/DBE (ADA/504/Title VI Coordinator), P. O. Box 2261, Little Rock, AR 72203, (501)569-2298, (Voice/TTY 711), or the following email address: joanna.mcfadden@ardot.gov. Free language assistance for Limited English Proficient individuals is available upon request. This notice is available from the ADA/504/Title VI Coordinator in large print, on audiotape and in Braille. ARDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept bids in whole or in part (unless otherwise indicated by bidder), to waive any informalities in bids received, to accept bids on materials or equipment with variations from specifications where efficiency of operation will not be impaired, and to award bids to best serve the interest of the State. ARDOT - Removal, Disposal, and Reapplication of Paint The work is tentatively planned to be performed between May 15 and June 30th Work is to be performed within 120 days from the award of this contract. .


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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April 5, 2022

May 15, 2022


I-40, Conway, AR

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