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Published May 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an educational facility in Norfolk, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

This request is for the manufacturing, delivery, and installation of new outdoor athletic facility netting at the Bud Metheny Baseball Complex at Old Dominion University. Vendor Qualifications: 1. Provide 3 references for recent projects 2. Minimum 5 years of direct installation experience A. First Base Patio Area - 60 feet (L) x 30 feet (H) x 8 feet (H) trapezoidal shape Provide 1-3/4 inch square knotted mesh netting that complies with the following: 1. Product: Dyneema a. PRO9 DYNEEMA SYSTEM 2. Yarn Type: Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene fiber, twisted and knotted to provide required breaking strength. Knots heat set and depth stretched under tension. a. Available Products: Dyneema. 3. Weight: 0.012 lbs per square foot 4. Gauge: #9 (0.035 inches) 0.9 mm diameter twine. 5. Minimum Breaking Strength: 200 pounds. 6. Optional Edge Treatment: Hemmed XTREME Dyneema strip at field wall to prevent pre-mature wear 7. Cord: Provide net manufacturer's standard cord for lacing to supports. a. Average Breaking Strength: 800 lbs. black braided nylon 8. Color: Black Fiber UHMWPE + Secondary UV varnish-based paint treatment. Basis of design: DURA-Dip black treatment 9. Vertical Backstop Pole Cabling and Connections: Provide the following materials and accessories: a. Cable: Provide black SK-75 Dyneema Fiber Rope 1) Main, Tiebacks and Vertical Cables: 12 strand constructed BLACK-FIBER UHMWPE Dyneema rope cable. a) PRODUCT: PRO- SK-75 BLACK-FIBER UHMWPE DYNEEMA ROPE. 2) Diameter to be verified by Structural. a) Typical main: 9/16" diameter = 48,060 lb break strength b) Typical tiebacks.: 3/8" diameter = 24,030 lb break strength 3) Bottom hold down: 7 x 19 aircraft cable, stainless steel grade T-304. b. Fittings: Steel castings, galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 148.stainless c. Miscellaneous connection plates: ASTM A 36 steel, galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153.




Public - State/Provincial

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5115 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, VA

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