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Published September 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, outdoor lighting and new construction of a mixed-use development in Queen Creek, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

It is the Town of Queen Creek's intent to enter into a preconstruction services and construction services contract with a qualified construction manager/general contractor to construct CIP Project P0615 Mansel Carter Oasis Park, Phase 2. The project is located to the west of the existing Mansel Carter Oasis Park in Queen Creek, AZ. This project consists of the construction of a +/-13 acre park, which includes lighted and screened tennis courts, volleyball courts, pickleball courts, and flex exercise space. Additional conceptual amenities include ramadas and shaded sitting areas, pathways, restrooms with park storage, hardscape, landscape, irrigation, and related site improvements including access points and a parking lot. The Town is anticipating the park's grand opening in Fall of 2023. The selected CMAR will be required to plan, coordinate, and execute their construction activities to ensure access to the existing adjacent, improved park is maintained throughout the duration of construction. The Town of Queen Creek's estimated budget for design and construction of the Park improvements is $9,000,000. All final construction contracts that may arise from this solicitation will be guaranteed maximum price (GMP) contracts. The project may require multiple GMP contracts to complete the construction in the time frames required PROJECT DESCRIPTION It is the Town of Queen Creek's intent to enter into a preconstruction services and construction services contract with a qualified construction manager/general contractor to construct CIP Project P0615 - Mansel Carter Oasis Park Phase 2. The project is located to the west of the existing Mansel Carter Oasis Park in Queen Creek, AZ. This project consists of the construction of a +/-13 acre park, which includes lighted and screened tennis courts, volleyball courts, pickleball courts, and flex exercise space. Additional conceptual amenities include ramadas and shaded sitting areas, pathways, restrooms with park storage, hardscape, landscape, irrigation, and related site improvements including access points and a parking lot. The Town is anticipating the park's grand opening in Fall of 2023. The selected CMAR will be required to plan, coordinate, and execute their construction activities to ensure access to the existing adjacent, improved park is maintained throughout the duration of construction. The Town of Queen Creek's estimated budget for design and construction of the Park improvements is $9,000,000. All final construction contracts that may arise from this solicitation will be guaranteed maximum price ("GMP") contracts. The project may require multiple GMP contracts to complete the construction in the time frames required.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

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19535 E Appleby Rd, Queen Creek, AZ

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