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Published May 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Toronto, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

METAL WALL CLADDING - This subcontractor shall supply and install metal wall cladding including metal siding, galvanized Z girt, semi ridged insulation, air and vapour barrier membrane and all metal cladding components including but not limited to : Trims, Copings, Fascia, Mullions, Sills, Corner Units, Clips, Seam Covers, Flashings, Sealants, Gaskets, Fillers, Closure Strips to match Metal Wall Cladding Finish. Clearance Required: Valid DOS and onsite staff with Reliability Status. Urbacon Buildings Group Inc. has been retained as Construction Managers by BGIS for development of the 25/55 St Clair Ave East project. - 10 Storey Complex (46,000 square meters) - Complete Replacement of Existing Building Interior/Exterior and all Mechanical and Electrical Systems. - Estimated Project Value $300M DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION SCREENING (DOS): All Subcontractors are required to, at minimum, have applied for a valid DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION SCREENING (DOS) certification issued or approved by Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). Any Subcontractors that currently hold a valid DOS certification, must forward proof of their certification to Urbacon. See Below for Estimated Tender Schedule. All trades must hold and provide proof of their DOS & Ceritification on or before January 25, 2022. Please be advised that the proposed Tender Period and DOS Certification deadlines will not be extended to allow a Subcontractors to obtain the required DOS clearance. RELIABILITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATION: All Subcontractors working or requiring access to the project site are required to hold a valid RELIABILITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATION. Please note that (DOS) Screening is a prerequisite for a Subcontractor to endorse an employee for Reliability Status. It is highly recommended that all Subcontractors pursue Reliability Status for employees immediately upon receipt of their DOS Certification Number. All Subcontractor's will be required to a provide a list of on site staff with their Reliability clearance prior to Subcontract Award. Bid Submissions accompanied by a list of Staff with Reliability Status will be looked upon favorably. Already registered - Please forward a copy of your DOS Certification to Urbacon at AMBR@urbacon.net. Confirmation of staff Reliability Clearance will be required at time of tender. If not currently registered, start the registration process now. The two (2) documents Request for Private Sector Organization Screening (PSOS) and the Security Requirements Check List (SRCL) can be obtained from Urbacon as the Sponsor by email request to AMBR@urbacon.net. For further information please visit https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc-src/organisation-organization/information-eng.html. Neither BGIS nor Urbacon will be liable for, nor reimburse any Proponent for costs incurred in the preparation of a Proposal, nor any other costs arising out of obtaining the specified clearance. TENDER SCHEUDLE: TENDER DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTION - 23rd March 2022 RFI DEADLINE - 30th March 2022; 5:00pm EST TENDER CLOSING - 6th April 2022; 1:00pm EST Submissions to be delivered to Urbacon head office, 750 Lakeshore Blvd East. Toronto, Ontario. M4M3M3 All submissions to be delivered in a sealed envelope clearly identifying Tender for Metal Wall Cladding, Jobsite location (25 St. Clair Ave East) and Subcontractor details. Please direct all correspondence to AMBR@urbacon.net. Please request NDA from AMBR@urbacon.net prior to release of bid documents. SUBCONTRACT AWARDS WILL NOT BE DELAYED TO ALLOW TIME TO OBTAIN THE REQUIRED SECURITY CLEARANCE. SECURITY CLEARANCE IS A PASS OR FAIL. ALL BONDING REQUIREMENTS LISTED ABOVE ARE MANDATORY; BID PACKAGES WILL NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ACCEPTANCE OF BID BOND AND PERFORMANCE BOND REQUIREMENTS STATED ABOVE.




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 6, 2022

May 6, 2022


25 St Clair Ave E, Toronto, ON

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