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Published May 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Toccoa, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

- Remove and dispose of existing boiler and associated equipment. Include all incidental connections (electric, fuel, water, steam, and etc...) - Supply and Install Boiler - Skid Mounted Vertical Compact Tubeless Steam Boiler (Modular Package) - 25BHP, operating pressure is approx 105psi, Natural Gas Fired. The package is to include feed water, preheat, pump, blow down separator, water softener, and chemical feed system. Include all incidental connections (electric, fuel, water, steam, and etc...) - Chem Aqua (Drew.Ellis@chemaqua.com) is the districts vendor of choice for chemical management services. Please coordinate with Chem Aqua to ensure that all necessary connections are provided for their installation. Please include any associated costs in your proposal. - Supply and install new exhaust stack/chimney (exhaust is through the roof) - Supply and install two(2) pilot controlled steam regulating stations. o Valve 1 will supply the canning line (5 retorts, 2 water bath) and will be regulated to 15psi o Valve 2 will supply the jacket kettle line (6 kettles) and will be regulated to 35psi - Supply and install new steam line traps, as required. - Supply and install new equipment steam traps for all equipment/devices - Supply and install new relief valves for all equipment/devices - Supply and install 4 new blend stations at the existing wash down stations - Supply and Install materials, as required, for any/all required steam line modifications, changes, and/or reconfiguring. - Supply and Install return lines from the existing equipment to the boiler. - Supply and Install PVC Wrapped Pipe Insulation for all distribution and return steam lines. - The contractor is responsible for a turnkey installation and is to include any/all incidental items, labor, and/or equipment, as required to deliver a fully functional compliant product. - Provide ala carte pricing for labor and materials for the connection of new equipment, should the owner choose to replace any of these units. (ie... Retort, Continuous Exhauster, Blanching Table, Jacketed Kettles) - The contractor is responsible for all final cleanup and disposal. - All Contractor supplied materials must comply with ASME, and satisfy code standards requirements - Provide Startup, Operational, Shutdown, and Compliance (record keeping) Training




Public - County

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May 2, 2022

June 1, 2022


207 School Circle, Toccoa, GA

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