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Published May 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Canton, Ohio. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

All proposals must be submitted on the Plain Township Bid Forms, available with the specifications. Bid envelopes must be sealed and plainly marked: BID - ROAD MATERIALS 2022-2023 All prices quoted except asphaltic materials shall be specified F.O.B. delivered to Plain Township, Canton, Ohio or F.O.B. bidder's place of business. All prices quoted for asphaltic materials shall be specified F.O.B. bidder's place of business or F.O.B. delivered to various road paving sites in Plain Township. In all bids for asphaltic materials, the materials supplied must be 100% virgin materials. Materials supplied which include any recycled or reclaimed materials shall not be acceptable. Bidders must submit two (2) copies of the completed Plain Township Bid Form(s). Bids must be submitted with all taxes deducted. Plain Township will endorse Tax Exemption Certificates. Successful bidders are required to submit an affidavit or verified statement as to the nonliability or liability for personal property tax in the county in which the taxing district is located (O.R.C. 5719.041). The bidder, if his bid is accepted, shall defend any and all suits and assume any liability for the use of any patented process, device or article forming a part of the apparatus or any appliance furnished under the contract. Successful bidders are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance whereby the Trustees of Plain Township are "additionally name insured" and are "held harmless" by the activities of the vendors. Bidders may indicate whether they will give a discount for payment within 20 days. Bidders may also indicate any exceptions to the bid specifications. The Plain Township Board of Trustees reserves the right, at their discretion, to award bids on the basis of individual items within the specifications, either separately, in multiples, or collectively for any or all items. Bids will be awarded on the foregoing basis to the lowest responsible bidder. In awarding the bids, proximity of bidder's premises or plants will be considered. ALL PRICES ON ALL MATERIAL HEREIN SHALL BE FIRM AND IN EFFECT FROM THE DATE BIDS ARE AWARDED UNTIL APRIL 30TH, 2023. THE AMOUNT OF MATERIALS TO BE REQUIRED BY PLAIN TOWNSHIP IS ESTIMATED, AND THE PLAIN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES RESERVES THE RIGHT TO UNILATERALLY INCREASE OR DECREASE THESE AMOUNTS. The Plain Township Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and/or waives informality in any bid, and to accept any bid or combination of bids which deemed most favorable to the Township at the time and under the conditions stipulated.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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