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Site work for a library in Fort Collins, Colorado. Completed plans call for site work for a library.

Question Acceptance Deadline 04/01/2022 07:00 PM EDT Questions are submitted online No The City of Fort Collins is requesting bids from qualified Vendors for the replacement of the Library Park Irrigation System and Landscaping Improvements work that is being led by the City of Fort Collins Parks Department in partnership with the Poudre River Library District. Based on the 2019 Parks Irrigation Master Plan, the Library Park irrigation system was identified as the site with the highest need for infrastructure replacement out of 46 park sites managed by the Parks Department. The Library District will be contributing 75% of the funding while Parks will be contributing 25% of the funding, based on land ownership. Benefits of this project include implementation of best management practices for water conservation, water savings, improved plant health and decreased maintenance costs. In addition, this will provide an improved level of service to the park users as well as the Library District. The project includes renovation of the entire irrigation system to a new HDPE mainline irrigation system, a new irrigation controller and minor landscaping modifications to better match hydrozones within the park. In addition, the Library District is including landscaping improvements to the entry of the Old Town Library. The largest considerations for the project are tree protection for the existing trees, some of which are over 100 years old; phasing of installation to allow for park and library usage. Scheduling for the majority of the project will need to occur outside of the irrigation season (April 15-Oct 15), however, smaller items could be done during that time period if it does not affect the existing irrigation system. Bids shall be submitted online through the electronically at Please note: submitting bids through RMEPS may need additional time for completion. Bids not submitted by the designated Opening Date and Time will not be accepted by the system. Public Bid Opening: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the bid opening will be conducted by video conference per the following information. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. To access the public Bid opening, please follow the link to join the Microsoft Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting 19%3ameeting_NmI4YmNiOGUtM2ViNS00MGM1LTg3OTMtMWVhOTZjMTA0OGRj %40thread.v2/0context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2247fa2f5f-0d0a-4a68-b431- 6d1a27b66660%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2237299b31-8a43-4b66-8642- b5358a21cda9%22%7d Alternatively, the bid opening can be accessed via phone. This option will only allow you to hear the audio presentation. Call in #: 970-628-0892 Phone Conference ID: 702-338-045# The City encourages all disadvantaged business enterprises to submit bid in response to all invitations to bid. No individual or business will be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin. It is the City's policy to create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly and to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of all contracts.




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April 13, 2022

October 1, 2022


207 Peterson St, Fort Collins, CO

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