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Published March 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Rangeley, Maine. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

A. Request for Proposal The Rangeley Water District invites sealed proposals from qualified engineering firms to provide design, bid administration, and inspection services for the replacement and installation of approximately 800 linear feet of water main (8 inch) and appurtenances, to include a stream crossing. B. Background and Project Information This project is to create a redundancy of critical water infrastructure as a secondary supply and storage loop for the downtown Rangeley area. The water main replacement will also include replacement of approximately six (6) individual services and one (1) hydrant replacement. Water service must be maintained during the replacement and access maintained for local traffic at all times. C. Proposal Format In order to be considered for this project, qualified consultants shall submit seven (7) copies of their proposal. Included in the proposal shall be the following information: Transmittal Letter Brief overview of the consulting firm (size, scope, mission, etc.) Key qualifications Resumes of personnel who will work on the project, including any subcontractors, and their intended roles Past experience with similar projects: this should include the size of the system, location, and system contact information for references Past experience and knowledge of the Rangeley Water system Regulatory knowledge Project understanding, methods, and approach Scope of services Cost of services and methods of payment Proposed schedule for deliverables Any additional information that would be beneficial to the Water District in making its selection D. Proposed Scope of Work The Scope of Work required includes the following: Permits as required by the Town of Rangeley MDOT Road Opening and Location permits as needed Detailed plans, specifications, and estimated quantities Inspection services as required for the project Engineering and inspection services for any necessary changes required during construction Plans and specifications to be in accordance with local requirements Filing of applications for funding Bid Administration The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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April 19, 2023


Multiple Locations, Rangeley, ME

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