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Published May 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a residential development in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

Clarification of Terms: If any prospective Bidder has questions about the specifications or other solicitation documents, the prospective Bidder must submit inquiries, in writing via email, to mary.cook-jones@dcr.virginia.gov (Contracting Officer) no later than Close of business 4:00 PM EST on April 6, 2022. Please include IFB Number Reference in the subject of the email. If the Agency concludes that answers are required to a change in scope of work, all questions and answers will be provided by addendum on April 7, 2022 to be post online. I. PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND: The intent of this IFB is to obtain a fixed price bid from a qualified Contractor to Demolish, Haul Off and restore the sites of two condemned residential lots located at False Cape State Park, 4001Sandpiper Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 History of location for information purposes to those interested in bidding: Both residential sites below have been through all formal testing for asbestos and lead prevalence. Demolition permits have been approved and fall under a historical allowance to not require site plans however pictures of the sites are available. See attached inspections reports & pictures provided by the park. It is the responsibility of the bidding contractor to ensure all water, sewer and electric is terminated prior to demolition. II. SCOPE OF WORK/SPECIFICATIONS: Contractor shall provide a fixed price bid to include but not limited to all labor, equipment, supplies and supervision to Demolish, Remove and Restore (2) Two Residential Sites and those identified structures located on the grounds of False Cape State Park per scope of work below: A. Residence 1 - Approximately 1534 Square Feet (Old Park Manager Residence). 1) Contractor shall remove structure, foundation and debris under foundation then evacuated areas filled with clean fill dirt. 2) Contractor shall remove septic tank and terminate septic. 3) Contractor shall remove all associated debris and dispose in a licensed landfill according to all Commonwealth of Virginia Regulations, Laws and per OSHA guidelines. 4) Contractor shall grade area after demolition and debris removal to ready area for seeding. 5) Contractor shall take care not to disturb surrounding trees and identify any trees that will be required to be removed prior to work being started and must obtain park permission prior to removal. B. Residence 2 - Approximately 1050 Square Feet. (Old Chief Rangers Residence) 1) Contractor shall remove structure, foundation and debris under foundation then evacuated areas filled with clean fill dirt. 2) Contractor shall remove all associated debris and dispose in a licensed landfill according to all Commonwealth of Virginia Regulations, Laws and per OSHA guidelines. 3) Contractor shall grade area after demolition and debris removal to ready area for seeding. 4) Contractor shall take care not to disturb surrounding trees and identify any trees that will be required to be removed prior to work being started and must obtain park permission prior to removal. C. Other Structure Removal: 1) Contractor shall demolish (1) one shed on site. 2) Contractor shall remove all associated debris and dispose in a licensed landfill according to all Commonwealth of Virginia Regulations, Laws and per OSHA guidelines. 3) Contractor shall demolish (1) tower on site. 4) Contractor shall remove all associated debris and dispose in a licensed landfill according to all Commonwealth of Virginia Regulations, Laws and per OSHA guidelines. Location where work will be performed: False Cape State Park 4001 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Initial Period of Contract: Must be scheduled within 7 days of Award by Approved Purchase Order Issued and Completed within 30 days. D. GENERAL JOB REQUIREMENTS: 1) Work Hours: All services shall be performed, unless mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the Park Representative, during normal business hours, between the hours of 7:30 A.M. TO 7:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, except for State & Federal Holidays. 2) Request to work on Saturday and Sundays shall be approved by park contact prior to start date. Due to the park's operating schedule, the work may need to be completed in multiple phases. 3) Scheduling of work must be within 7 days of receipt of award purchase order (ARO). 4) Completion of work must be within 30 days of award or May 19, 2022 whichever is latest. 5) Contractor must agree to invoice immediately at completion of work to allow processing of invoice out of Fiscal Year Budget.


Residential Subdivision


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 28, 2022

May 27, 2022


4001 Sandpiper Rd, Virginia Beach, VA

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