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Published May 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Alamo, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

The intent of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals from qualified, responsible, and responsive proposers. The result will be a contract for the installation of synthetic grass to establish outdoor classrooms in courtyard areas of Wheeler County School District's new K-12 School. The district point of contact will be Suzanne Couey, Superintendent. Intent to Propose Form with any questions due April 4, 2022 at 4:00 P.M. See attached document for details. Wheeler County School District Reserves the Right to Reject Any or All Proposals, to Waive Any Formalities or Technical Defects in Proposals, and Unless Otherwise Specified by District, to Accept Any Items or Groups of Items in the Proposal, as Is in the Best Interest of the School District The intent of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals from qualified, responsible, and responsive proposers. The result will be a contract for the installation of synthetic grass to establish outdoor classrooms in courtyard areas of Wheeler County School District's new K-12 School. The district point of contact will be Suzanne Couey, Superintendent. Wheeler County School District intends to create outdoor classrooms in courtyard areas of its New K-12 School, which is currently under construction. Courtyard areas will be graded, drained, and prepped for installation of synthetic grass. Time is of the essence because a brick wall will be constructed at the end of one of the courtyards that will create an obstacle for delivery of materials. Therefore, proposers should be ready to begin work as soon as possible after project is awarded (at least the portion of the work that will require delivery of materials before wall completion). A diagram of courtyard areas is included at the end of this document for a general idea of the project. However, sidewalks will be moved closer to the building than pictured, leaving 18" between the back wing of the building and sidewalk edge, creating an area that will be filled with gravel to allow for HVAC drainage. Synthetic grass will be installed in remaining courtyard areas from the other edge of the sidewalk to the edge of the front wing of the building. The west courtyard is 3395 sf. The east one is 4375 sf. The west courtyard contains 695 sf of sidewalk and the east, 865 sf. This leaves 2700 sf and 3510 sf remaining,respectively (for a total of 6210 sf). The removal of gravel area (between the sidewalk and building) leaves approximately 5880 sf, upon which base bid should be calculated. Project should include o Synlawn basic turf product (or equivalent) o 2" crusher run o Nonwoven geotextile fabric & powerbase YSR pad to provide lateral drainage to inlets o Infill to reduce temperature with organic material (sand or like product)




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