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Site work and paving for a civil project in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

Project no-18139 CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS WELL REHABILITATION/ IMPROVEMENT EQUIPPING PROJECT BID NO. 1643 LABOR COMMISSION NO. PWP-CL-2022-29 The City of North Las Vegas (City) is requesting bid proposals for the above Project. SCOPE OF WORK: The Work generally includes installation of new well discharge pipeline, valves, flowmeter, installation of underground storage tanks, construction of CMU walls, general site restoration, and new asphalt concrete pavement as outlined in the drawings and specifications at the locations presented in Figure 1 associated with the following: Volume IIA Technical Specifications Sun Valley (3532 Valley Drive) Silver Mesa (West Alexander Road) Elstner Estates (5311 W. Gowan Road) Volume IIB Technical Specifications West Cheyenne (3049 California Avenue) The Project shall be completed three hundred (300) consecutive calendar days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed (NTP), which time shall include resolution of all punch list items, final cleanup and demobilization. With the use of the State Revolving Fund, payment of the Work shall be subject to both the Davis Bacon Wage Rate and Clark County Prevailing Wage Rate whereby the Contractor shall pay the higher of the two wage rates. The estimated construction cost range is $7.2M to $8.4M. State Bidder Preference shall not be observed nor used as the basis of award with the use of Federal Funds. The 1% Contractor List on page BP-4, if not already provided with the sealed bid, will need to be provided within two (2) hours of the City's email notification from the three (3) apparent low bidders. The Wage Comparison Worksheet on Page BP-17, if not already provided with the sealed bid, will need to be provided by 5:00 PM, local time, the day following the bid opening by the apparent low three (3) bidders. BID DOCUMENTS will be available for download beginning Tuesday, March 29, 2022 on both the NGEM system and For more information on obtaining the bid documents, please call (702) 633-1206. Any questions regarding this solicitation should be referred to Allan Fajardo, PE, PTOE with the City of North Las Vegas, by fax at (702) 633-1158 or by email at FajardoA@cityofnorth If the DBE goal is not met, the Good Faith effort outlined in the SRF requirements as presented in Appendix B shall be provided at the time of the bid opening.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, North Las Vegas, NV

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