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Published June 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Bid Bond Amount: Yes Wage Rate: Yes 1. ASPHALT MILLING Contractor to remove existing asphalt pavements by milling as directed by Engineering Representative in the field. Contractor shall also remove asphalt wedge curbs as directed, includes dust control and protection of catch basins, includes sweeping, and cost ofremoval and proper disposal. Milling material to remain property ofthe contractor and to be disposed of at an approved site. Where a concrete gutter exists along the curbline (a water table) only the asphalt is to be milled leaving the concrete gutter in place. The milling machine will then have to mill the remaining road up against the concrete gutter to a depth of2" 2. BASE REPAIR Contractor will saw cut existing asphalt surface, excavate and remove approximately 12" of material, install geotextile fabric, install 8" of 2A Modified Stone and 4" of 25mm Superpave Base Course, PG 64-22. Excavated material will be disposed at an approved site. 3. 19 MM SUPERPAVE BINDER COURSE Contractor shall supply and install 2" compacted depth of Superpave Binder Course Asphalt Mixer Design HMA Binder Mix Course, PG-64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 ESAL's including, but not limited to, all edge, surface cleaning and tack coat, complete and in place as per specification. 4. WEDGE CURB Contractor shall supply and install a 6" x 12"+- Bituminous Wedge Curb constructed of Superpave Binder Course Asphalt Mixer Design HMA Binder Mix Course, PG-64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 ESAL's, complete and in place as per specification. (See Wedge Curb Detail). Contractor shall supply and install Wedge Curb backfilling as directed by Engineering Representative. Backfilling, if necessary, should consist oftop soil, seed, and mulch or 2A Modified Stone 5. 9.5 mm SUPERPAVE WEARING COURSE Contractor shall supply and install 1-1/2" compacted depth of Superpave Wearing Course Asphalt Mixture Design HMA Wearing Course, PG-64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 ESAL's including, but not limited to, all edge, surface cleaning, tack coat, keyways, adjustment to grade with all valve boxes, manholes and inlets required, transition into driveways as needed, driveway transition to include saw cutting or keyway, if required, or directed, by Engineering Representative in the field, complete and in place as per specification 6. KEYWAYS Contractor shall construct Keyways for a smooth transition from new pavement to existing pavement. Keyways shall be a minimum of 3' wide tapered x 1-1/2" deep. Location shall be field located by the Engineer's representative. All materials to be disposed of at an approved site. 7. RAISE MANHOLE/WATER/GAS VALVE LIDS/INLETS Contractor to locate and raise lid of existing manholes, water valves and inlets to perfectly match the level ofthe new pavement. Cast Iron rings are permitted. Steel rings are NOT permitted. For Inlets; contractor to taper around inlet 42" in all directions if inlet cannot be raised with a riser (No Exceptions).


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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CD 41-3.7 Road Reconstruction - Turtle Creek

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