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Published December 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a hospital.

Temple University is seeking qualified contractors to bid on work for the Mechanical Prime Package for the TUH Renovations Project at Temple University Hospital (TUH), located at 3401 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19140. VOLUME A Work is located in the Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) Subbasement. VOLUME B Work is located in the Rock Pavilion Penthouse. VOLUME A Linear Accelerator and Gamma Knife Replacement (Lin Acc Gamma) The equipment within two existing linear accelerator vaults and associated control rooms, and one existing gamma knife vault and associated control room, will be replaced. A third existing linear accelerator will be removed, but not replaced. Work includes the installation of Elekta healthcare equipment, demolition, and re-build of systems to support the new equipment and functions within the vaults. The area of renovation is approximately 6,297 square feet. The Work is intended to be executed in three (3) phases: Phase 1: Replace Linear Accelerator Located in Vault A and the Gamma Knife located in Vault D; renovate associated vaults. Phase 2: Replace Linear Accelerator B; renovate associated vaults. Phase 3: Remove Linear Accelerator C; renovate associated vault, renovate corridor. VOLUME B Rock Pavilion Air Handling Units (RP AHU) Replacement This Project involves installing two new air handling units and two exhaust/return fans on new dunnage erected on the penthouse roof to provide ventilation and conditioning as an enabling move for future replacement of AHU's 19 to 23. To be invited to participate in the bidding process through TUebid, interested parties must contact Naomi Greenberg via e-mail at projects@temple.edu for written instructions by no later than 2:00 p.m. EST, October 20, 2022. Insert the wording "Mechanical Prime REBID - Vendor Registration" in the subject line. This Project will be a multi-prime project delivered pursuant to a multi-prime contract delivery structure. The Prime Contractors will include: the General Construction Prime Contractor, the Electrical Prime Contractor, the Mechanical Prime Contractor and the Plumbing and Fire Protection Prime Contractor. The Scope of Work for the Mechanical Prime Package shall include all necessary services, work, labor, materials, supervision, tools, supplies, equipment, insurance, and applicable taxes necessary to complete Mechanical Prime Package as shown in the Contract Documents for the above referenced Project.




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3401 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA

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Renovations to Temple University Hospital (TUH) - Mechanical - Phase 1, 2 and 3

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