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Published June 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Weirton, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 18,625-square-foot educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; for the addition of a playground / park / athletic field; educational facility; playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

In general, the Work of this bid package includes, for the Athletic Fields project, site improvements related to the demolition and removal of an existing parking lot to create space for a synthetic turf softball field, renovations to the existing softball field to create a synthetic turf baseball field, including, but not limited to excavation and earthmoving, site drainage and preparation, road and walkway paving, concrete slab systems, masonry field structures, electrical infrastructure for site amenities and future field lighting and scoreboards (scoreboards, foundations, poles and lights are not included) interior and exterior plumbing systems and utility relocations, and other general construction. Coordination of the Owner purchased synthetic turf system in both locations, coordination of field lighting purchases negotiated by the Owner, and other Work indicated in the Bidding Documents. For the PE Additions, the project generally consists of an 18,500 sf (+/-) high bay addition to the exterior of the existing high school gymnasium, consisting of 3 main spaces, PE classrooms 1 and 2, and a Fitness Center. The project will also include site improvements, renovations of the existing weightlifting room into a wrestling room, an area of roof replacement (as an alternate), mechanical systems, electrical renovations, including replacing the existing switch gear, complete replacement of the fire alarm system in the entire building (as an alternate), and other Work indicated in the Bidding Documents. A Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and issued by a surety company approved by and in favor of the Owner, in the amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Bid, shall be submitted with each Bid, to guarantee the Bidder's entrance into a Contract, if given the award. No accepted Bid shall be waived or returned because the Bidder failed to, or cannot comply with the requirements as set forth in Bidding Documents. Further, the successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a satisfactory 100% Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bond in the amount of the contract price. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to make selections from the bids that are solely in its own best interest. Bid Item 1 - WEIR HIGH SCHOOL - ATHLETIC FIELDS December 14, 2022. Bid Item 2 - WEIR HIGH SCHOOL - PE ADDITIONS August 16, 2023 Q&A end date : 12pm on April 15th and April 19th, respectively.




Public - County

Addition, Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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April 26, 2022

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100 Red Rider Rd, Weirton, WV

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