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Site work for a water / sewer project in Indianapolis, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

By state of Indiana finance authority construction project estimated at nine hundred thousand dollars or above The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Project No. 2020.00094 1. Bids must be pdfofcomplete bidpackage documents and all required documents. PDF's must be secured so that adjustments cannot be made. 2. Email subject must contain "Bidfor (project number& name) -due (date & time)" Bids can only be sent to the IDOA Deputy Commissioner, Brian Renner at , no cc to anyone or bid may be rejected. The work scope consists ofseparating the utilities serving the buildings on the north side ofthe Larue Carter site from the main hospital. This involves demolition of domestic water, steam, steam condensate, natural gas, sanitary, power, and telecom. New utility connections are provided from public utility providersto the north buildings including city water service, electric service, sanitary service, natural gas, and telecom. A grinder pump is added on the site for lift necessary to connect sanitary to the main along Cold Spring Road. Within buildings a new heating and cooling system is provided for building 9 using residential style furnaces. New water softeners are added to building 9 and 7. A new fire alarm system is added to building 7 Bids shall be accepted only from bidders who hold a valid Certificate of Qualification* from the State CertificationBoard, Public Works Division, Department ofAdministration, according to I.C. 4-13.6 forthe following classifications: 1542.00B Inst. Bldgs. (Hosp., Schl., Prsn.) General Construction The Indiana Finance Authority, in its commitment to minority business development and the mandate of the Governor's Commission ofMinorityBusiness Development (I.C. 4-13-16.5), adopts procedures for this project to assure participation of minority owned business enterprises in all appropriate phases of construction ofthis project. In accordance with 25 IAC 5 1-8, the respondent must submit within the proposal a Minority and Women's Business Enterprise participation plan. Failure to provide the minority and women's business participation plan at the time of proposal submission may result in the disqualification and rejection of the proposal. Please note that IDOA reserves the right to verify all information included on minority and women's business enterprise participation plans before making final determinations ofthe respondent's responsiveness. Additionally, the plan must show that there are racial minority owned enterprises and women owned enterprises participating in the contract. The participation can be, but is not limited to, a subcontractor or second tier participation with common suppliers such as office supplies, courier services and/orjanitorial services. The respondent submitting an offer must indicate the name ofthe racial and women owned firms that will participate in the award, a contact name and phone number, the service to be supplied and the specific dollar amount from this contact that will be directed toward each firm. The respondent is expected to demonstrate a good faith effort to meet the participation goal of 7% for minority participation and 5% for women owned business participation. A good faith effort consists of documenting the effort that was made to achieve the goal. Respondents are encouraged to contact and work with the Minority Business and Women's Enterprise Division ofthe Indiana Department ofAdministration to design a plan to meet established goals. The Minority Business and Women's Enterprise Division's website address By submission of the proposal, the respondent thereby acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the regulatory processes involving the State ofIndiana's Minority and Women's Business Enterprise Program. Questions involving the regulations governing the minority and women's business enterprise participation plan should be directed to: Minority Business and Women's Enterprise Division Indiana Department ofAdministration 402 W. Washington St., Room W469 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 233-6607 Questions concerning bidding procedures may be addressed to the Deputy Commissioner IDOA/IFA, 302 West Washington Street, Room E024, Indiana Government Center - South, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, phone (317) 232-6795. Questions concerning the specifications, plans or remainder ofthe Bid Documents must be addressed in writing to Applied Engineering, Inc. on the Request for Clarification Form (IFA-16) provided in the Bid Documents. The Request for Clarification Form must be received at Applied Engineering no later than 5:00 PM (local time), on May 5th, 2022. Fax or e-mail transmissions are acceptable, : Fax number (317) 810-4140.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

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May 13, 2022

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2601 Cold Spring Rd, Indianapolis, IN

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