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Site work for a municipal facility in Milford, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Purpose of this Solicitation The purpose of this IFB is to enter into a contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to provide: the WORK consists of 119 mine closures and revegetation of disturbed areas at abandoned metal mines in Beaver County, Utah. Details of the WORK are contained in these Specifications. OWNER in these Specifications is defined as the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining Engineers Project Cost Estimate: Engineers Project Cost Estimate: $625,000.00 Length of the Contract The WORK under this CONTRACT shall be commenced upon notice to proceed and shall be completed within 60 calendar days after the date of email delivery, date of hand delivery, or date marked on registered mail receipt of said Notice to Proceed and no later than July 1, 2022 . WORK delays caused by weather may, at the discretion of the OWNER, extend the completion date. CONTRACTOR also agrees to the liquidated damages provisions of Article 12. Davis-Bacon Act Compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act is not required for this project This contract will result in one contract award (Purchase Order) to the lowest cost responsive and responsible bidder. Issuing Procurement Unit, Conducting Procurement Unit, and Solicitation Number The State of Utah Division of Purchasing is the issuing procurement unit and State of Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining is the conducting procurement unit for this IFB (referred to as "the State"). The reference number for this IFB is Solicitation #JH22-123. This solicitation number must be referred to on all bids, correspondence, and documentation submitted to the State relating to this IFB. The meeting is expected to last three (3) to four (4) hours and will involve driving and hiking over rugged terrain. High-clearance fourwheel-drive vehicles are recommended. It will not be possible to visit all the sites in the project; an effort will be made to visit a respresentative sample of sites. No services are available in the area; bidders are reminded to bring water and food. Per the Utah Procurement Rule R33-1-13 Pre-Solicitation Conferences and Site Visits. Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting must be attended in person by an authorized representative of the person or vendor submitting a bid. The meeting will begin promptly at 12:00 p.m. MT. Any prospective bidder who arrives late to the meeting will not be allowed to continue with the site visit nor submit a bid. Failure to attend the site visit shall result in the disqualification of any bidder that does not have an authorized representative attend the entire duration of the mandatory site visit. This includes not taking calls/text during the site visit. Phones may be used to take pictures. All discussion not related to the site visit must be done after the site visit as to not be a disturbance during the site visit. An attendance log will be maintained including the name of each attendee, the entity the attendee is representing, and the attendee's contact information, minutes of the site visit, and copies of any documents distributed by the conducting procurement unit to the attendees and shall be published as an addendum to the solicitation. Any verbal modifications made to any of the solicitation documents during the mandatory site visit shall be reduced to writing and will be published as an addendum to the solicitation. Bidders should supplement the pre-bid meeting by examining the project on their own time. Abandoned mines are hazardous. Do not enter the mines. Bidders are prohibited from communications regarding this IFB with the conducting procurement unit staff, evaluation committee members, or other associated individuals EXCEPT the State of Utah Division of Purchasing procurement officer overseeing this IFB. Wherever in this IFB an item is defined by using a trade name, brand name, or a manufacturer and/or model number, it is intended that the words, "or equivalent" apply; and invites the submission of equivalent products by the Bidders. Bidders may be required to submit product samples to assist the chief procurement officer or head of a procurement unit with independent procurement authority in evaluating whether a procurement item meets the specifications and other requirements set forth in the invitation to bid. Product samples must be furnished free of charge unless otherwise stated in the invitation for bids, and if not destroyed by testing, will upon written request within any deadline stated in the invitation for bids, be returned at the bidders expense. Samples must be labeled or otherwise identified as specified in the invitation for bids by the procurement unit. Question Submission Close Date 4/11/2022 2:00 PM MDT




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775 W Center St, Milford, UT

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