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Published April 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Petoskey, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

The Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, a federally Recognized Indian Tribe, invites your business to submit a Bid to Provide Electrical Installation of multiple AeraMax Wall Mount Air Purification Units and Lightboards at the LTBB Health Department located at 1260 Ajijaak Road (formerly 1250 Lears Road), Petoskey, MI 49770. To improve the air quality in the building and have purchased several Aera Max Pro wall mount air purifiers. LTBB also has Lightboard that need to be installed. We are looking for an electrician to mount and wire into the electrical system. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (does not include single family homes or apartments up to and including 4 stories). Note: Contracts subject to the Davis-Bacon Act are generally required to pay at least the applicable minimum wage rate required under Executive Order 14026 or Executive Order 13658. Please note that these Executive Orders apply to covered contracts entered into by the federal government that are subject to the Davis-Bacon Act itself, but do not apply to contracts subject only to the Davis-Bacon Related Acts, including those set forth at 29 CFR LTBB may make a determination that the rejection of all bids is in the best interest of LTBB. LTBB will not pay for any information herein requested, nor is it liable for any costs incurred by the bidder. Any questions regarding the bid process may be directed to Mandy Szocinski, at 231-242-1439. Pre proposal project specific questions can be directed to the Health Director Joanne Werner by email at jwerner@ltbbodawa-nsn.gov or the Assistant Health Director, Christina Dubois by email at cdubois@ltbbodawa-nsn.gov. LTBB, through grant funding from Indian Health Services, provides health care to Tribal Citizens within our service area. The LTBB Health Department (Health Park Building) is located at 1260 Ajijaak Ave., Petoskey, MI 49770. To improve the air quality in the building and have purchased several Aera Max Pro wall mount air purifiers. LTBB also has Lightboard that need to be installed. We are looking for an electrician to mount and wire into the electrical system. A. Work with LTBB Health Department to schedule work being performed to work around patient schedules. B. Ability to coordinate schedules with Health Department Staff, work may require weekends and/or evenings to work around patient scheduling. C. LTBB has Purifiers, Contractor to supply all equipment and materials necessary to for installation. D. Must adhere to all Covid protocols and distancing guidelines to ensure safety and health of both Contractor's staff and LTBB Citizens. E. Erect safety barriers and signage to cordon off work area for safety. F. Erect plastic barrier walls to contain dust and debris in work areas and place protective coverings on floors in work area by placing plastic sheeting over ducts, desks, counters and finished walls inside containment to mitigate contamination. G. Set up and maintain use of air scrubbing equipment inside containment area during renovation if work affect any interior portions of building. H. All work is performed in accordance with the applicable building codes, safety standards, and adhere to the general provisions of the contract documents. I. Coordinate with LTBB Planning Department to schedule needed inspections for completion of project J. Contacting LTBB's inspectors to schedule and conduct required inspections, LTBB Planning Department shall supply contact information K. Inspections are required, Approved inspection reports will be required before proceeding L. LTBB to pay for first inspection, if violations, Contractor shall cover all subsequent inspections until project passes. M. Move any necessary furnishings or equipment to complete the project and replace when complete. N. Items to be installed: o 4 - Lightboards o 17- AeraMax Pro AM2S with wall mounts o 4- AeraMax Pro AM3S PC with wall mounts o 17- AeraMax Pro AM4S with stands O. Test for proper functioning. P. If damage occurs during service, Contractor shall be responsible to make repairs in areas where Contractor or Contractor's equipment damages said areas. Q. Clean and maintain work site routinely to ensure occupant safety and dispose of waste. R. Upon completion, thoroughly clean work area. Remove barriers and containment structure. Dispose of and remove all waste from site. No trash or debris to be disposed of or left onsite.




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April 15, 2022

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1260 Ajijaak Ave, Petoskey, MI

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