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Published November 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Rincon, Georgia. Working plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

As per the Owner the project has been cancelled. Editorial Content Team is actively seeking updated information.The solicitation is cancelled lAW FAR 14.404-1. Per UAl 5136.205-100 Statutory cost limitations- Civil Works contracts, the lowest priced bidder is not within an awardable range, therefore the Government will not award a contract under this solicitation. Pursuant to the authority in DFARS 214.404-1 (1 ), the Government has determined it is appropriate to cancel the subject IFB, and in the Government's best interest to re-package, and re-solicit the subject project at such time which an award can be made within the authorization provided.AMD 0001 has been issued to update the attachments for the specifications and plans. The new attachments are W912HN-22-B-5008_Drawings and W912HN-22-B-5008_Specs. Please ensure you use the most recent version for submission of your bid. AMD 0002 is issued on 13 October 2022 with the following changes: A. CONTRACT CHANGES: The ProjNet Bidder inquiry closing date as 18 October 2022 in Section 00 21 00 Instruction to Bidders (#6). This amendment is also to provide revision to the solicitation response date listed in PIEE to 28 October 2022 and annotate this solicitation as 8(a) Set-Aside for Small Business in PIEE. B. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES: There are no Specification changes with this amendment. C. CONTRACT DRAWINGS: The latest drawings, titled Amendment 2 - CD101, identify the location of work for the Keyed Notes in the drawings. Attachments located in PIEE. AMD 0003 is issued on 21 October 2022 with the following changes: A. CONTRACT CHANGES: There are no contract changes with this amendment. B. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES: The revised Sections listed below (revised by Amendment No. 0003) are hereby added to and made a part of the solicitation. Revised or added information is underlined and deleted information is struck out. Revisions can be located in the appropriate volume of specifications by searching for an asterisk and amendment number (i.e., *3). Revised Sections 0145 00.00 1031 41 16 C. CONTRACT DRAWINGS - File No. NONE:Sheets CS502 with Revision 3 dated 21 October 2022 are hereby added to and made a part of the Contract Drawings. AMD 0004 is issued on 26 October 2022 with the following changes: A. CONTRACT CHANGES: The purpose of this amendment is to extend the bid due date to 04 November 2022 at 11:00 AM EDT. B. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES: There are no specification changes with this amendment. C. CONTRACT DRAWINGS: There are no drawing changes with this amendment. Upper Dissolved Oxygen Erosion Repair The purpose of this project is to repair erosion at the Upriver Dissolved Oxygen Plant on the Savannah River Northeast of the City of Rincon in Effingham County, Georgia 31326. The project consists of providing a permanent fix for erosion occurring along the south end (lower) retaining wall. A metal sheet pile wall with reinforced concrete cap will be constructed to protect against observed and future erosion along the south side of the Dissolved Oxygen Plant. The site/project has an existing metal sheet pile wall that will be extended from its current termination point. The intent is to match the design and construction of the existing metal sheet pile wall. Riprap will be placed along the shoreline on the north end of the Dissolved Oxygen Plant. In additional to the permanent fix vehicular access is to be provided for periodic maintenance along with the relocation of perimeter security fencing to the new boundary with one 20 wide 2 leaf gate. Work will be in accordance with project plans and specifications. Erosion Repair (Upper Dissolved Oxygen Plant) 1. This solicitation is set-aside for competition only among 8(a) small business concerns. The NAICS Code for this acquisition 237990. 2. This acquisition w ill be procured in accordance w ith FAR 14 (Sealed Bidding). 3. The pricing information of the successful bidder shall be incorporated upon aw ard of the contract. This is a Firm Fixed contract. 4. Per FAR 36.204, the Construction Magnitude of this contract is betw een $500,000.00 and $1,000,000.00. 5. Contractors must be registered in the System for Aw ard Management (w w w .SAM.gov) 6. Contractual POC is Arcia Fusi at (912) 652-5901 and Arcia.E.Fusi@usace.army.mil It is highly possible that other contractors w ill be w orking in this area. Coordination and cooperation w ith other contractors w ill be needed to avoid any conflicts and delays. *Visit 'https://piee.eb.mil/sol/xhtml/unauth/search/oppMgmtLink.xhtmlsolNo=W912HN22B5008' to obtain more details.*

Final Planning

Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work





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981 Old Augusta Road Central, Rincon, GA

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