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Published April 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Many, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Sealed bids must be either hand delivered for a receipt or mailed as certified mail, with a return receipt requested. Bidder should bid on bidders letterhead, with bid signed by bidders representative. The sealed bid envelope should be plainly marked Sealed Bid showing the bidders name, bid opening date and time and Ò2022 Roadside Vegetation Herbicide Application. Any bid received after the bid closing time will be returned unopened. The Police Jury reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids. All prices should be bid without any sales taxes [Police Jury exempt by R.S.47:301(8)(c)(i), Act No. 1029, 1991 Regular Session, Louisiana Legislature]. Once the bid is awarded, the Police Jury will issue a Purchase Order to bind the Police Jury. Payments will be net 30 days after delivery and after approval by the Finance Committee. The specifications herein state the minimum requirements of the Sabine Parish Police Jury. All bids must be regular in every respect. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions shall be cause for rejection. The Sabine Parish Police Jury may consider as ÒirregularÓ or Ònon-responsiveÓ, any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the bid documents and specification, or any bid lacking sufficient technical literature to enable the Sabine Parish Police Jury to make a reasonable determination of compliance to the specification. It shall be the bidderÕs responsibility to carefully examine each item of the specification. Failure to offer a completed bid or failure to respond to each section of the technical specification will cause the proposal to be rejected, without review, as Ònon-responsiveÓ. All variances, exceptions, and/or deviations shall be fully described in the appropriate section; deceit in responding to the specification will be cause for rejection. In order to be fair to all bidders no oral interpretations will be given to any bidder as to the meaning of the specifications documents or any part thereof. Every request for consideration shall be made in writing to the Sabine Parish Police Jury. Based on written inquiry the Sabine Parish Police Jury may choose to issue an Addendum in accordance with Local Public Contract Laws. 1. Bidder must have at least three (3) years of experience under present company name. 2. Bidder shall maintain a current certificate of insurance on file with the Sabine Parish Police Jury. 3. Bidder shall possess a State of Louisiana ContractorÕs License. 4. Bidder shall possess a current Louisiana Department of Agriculture Ground Owner OperatorÕs License. 5. Bidder will provide two (2) certified operators on the project at all times. Operators shall be certified in Category 6 Right of Way and Industrial Pest. 1. Bidder agrees to furnish all necessary herbicides, equipment, labor, qualified supervision, and insurance to effectively apply herbicide to Sabine Parish roadside rights of way during the calendar year 2022 2. The bidder agrees to commence work no later than ten (10) days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. Each application must be completed within thirty (30) days from the date of commencement. 3. The bidder will furnish two (2) properly calibrated computerized roadside spray trucks to ensure that each application is completed within the required time period. Each spray truck shall have a minimum tank capacity of 500 gallons. All trucks and equipment shall have amber flashing lights and all other safety features to promote visibility and safety. 4. The approved herbicides to be used are as follows: Roundup Pro Concentrate applied at a rate of 32 oz./acre (or equivalent) Oust Extra applied at a rate of 1 oz./acre (or equivalent) Milestone applied at a rate of 6 oz./acre (or equivalent) 90-10 non-ionic surfactant applied at a rate of 8 oz./acre Drift control agent to be used in each tank mix 5. The bidder will maintain adequate spray records and submit daily a list of roads treated and the amount and type of herbicide used to the Parish Road Department. 6. The work provided under this contract by the bidder shall be done to the satisfaction of the Sabine Parish Road Superintendent. If the work is not done to the satisfaction of the Parish Road Superintendent or if the work does not progress in a timely manner, the Parish Road Superintendent may cancel this contract upon written notice. 7. The bidder will act as an independent contractor and shall not employ any subcontractors to perform any of the services. 8. Right of way is considered the edge of the road to the backside of the ditch, averaged at 12Õ each side. 9. Bid price should be submitted on a per mile basis covering both sides for the road. 10. Contract will be for a one (1) year period. The Police Jury reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bidding.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 6, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Many, LA

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