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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fillmore, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Fillmore City is requesting proposals for Cemetery Maintenance Services at the City Cemetery located at 325 East 600 South, Fillmore, UT. The work will begin on April 6, 2022, and end on October 31, 2022, with special scheduling the week before and week during Memorial Day, and must be scheduled around funeral or memorial services so contact will need to be made with the City on a regular basis. The Scope of Work includes: Old Section Weed eating around headstones and trees; Lawn mowing as needed; and Removal of grass clippings and similar debris from headstones after mowing (with bagging required if excessive grass clippings). New Section Weed eating around trees; and No mowing (currently no lawns). Roadways, parking lots, and curbing Cleared / blown-out. Sprinkler System Oversee and adjust as necessary to allow for property amount of water to keep cemetery grass green but not overwatered; and Dry Spots may need to be tended to with hose or hose/sprinkler.[1] Garbage Removal Trash and debris (including Fall leaves) to be removed and disposed in Fillmore City's on-site trash receptacles. Bimonthly removal of pine cones and pine needles.[2] Memorial Day Additional care in maintenance during the week preceding Memorial Day. Maintenance will not be required during the week of Memorial Day. The contractor shall be familiar and trained in the work to be accomplished and shall perform the task in a competent, efficient manner acceptable to the City. A list of references is preferable. Contractor shall assume all responsibility for plant material or turf which is damaged or stressed in any way as a result of poor maintenance. Contractor will assume all costs associated with replacement of damaged turf. The grass and areas around the headstones shall have a neat, even-cut, uniform height. Grass height between headstones shall be the same height as nearby mowed height and shall transition to a height even with the concrete curbing. Contractor shall give notification in writing of all evidence of damage to grass or cemetery appurtenances immediately upon discerning the problem, and obtain approval from the City for all permanent correction work. Contractor shall perform all maintenance during hours mutually agreed upon between City and Contractor. Maintenance shall be scheduled to have the least impact on cemetery visitors and to avoid times of funerals or memorial services. The week preceding Memorial Day will require more time spent maintaining the cemetery. The week of Memorial Day will not require any time spent maintaining the cemetery. Materials used for maintenance shall be supplied by the Contractor unless otherwise specified. Contractor shall procure and maintain at its own expense and shall provide evidence, satisfactory to the City, of insurance as follows: Commercial General Liability - A minimum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage, and not less than Two Million Thousand Dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate. The general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the specific project, or the general aggregate limit shall be two (2) times the required occurrence limit. The coverage shall be in the nature of Broad Form Commercial General Liability coverage, and shall specifically include, at minimum, the following coverages: Premises - Operations; Product - Completed Operations Hazard; Broad Form Contractual Insurance; Independent Contractors; Comprehensive Form; Automotive; Broad Form Property Damage; and Personal Injury. Other insurance requirements may be required. If the coverages described above are not in place at the time a Proposal is submitted, the Contractor should describe in detail what types and levels of coverage are in place currently, and clearly indicate the Contractor's ability and willingness to obtain the above-listed coverage if required by the City. The Contractor shall maintain all employee related insurance, in the statutory amounts, such as unemployment compensation, worker's compensation, and employer's liability, for its employees or volunteers involved in performing services pursuant to this Contract. The Contractor shall submit certificates of insurance as evidence of the above required coverage to the City prior to the commencement of this Contract. Such certificates shall provide the City with thirty (30) calendar day's written notice prior to the cancellation or material change of the applicable coverage, as evidenced by return receipt or certified mail, sent to the above address. The City shall be listed as additional insured. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall protect, indemnify, pay on behalf of, defend, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers and their agents from all claims, demands, judgments, expenses, and all other damages of every kind and nature made, rendered, or incurred by or on behalf of any person or persons including the parties hereto and their employees, which may arise out of any act or failure to act, work or other activity related in any way to work performed under the contract by the Contractor, Contractor's agents, employees, subcontractors, or suppliers during the performance of work under the contract. To be considered for this RFP, Contractors must comply with the following conditions: Once the RFP is released, communication of any kind regarding this Proposal with any City employee or committee member other than the listed contact person in this RFP is prohibited. Any such contact could disqualify a provider from being awarded this RFP. Any products or services that have been omitted from this specification that are clearly necessary for completing the work shall be considered a requirement although not directly specified or called for in this Proposal. Proposal pricing and documentation must be submitted by an agent within the company/organization who has the authorization to bind the organization to the terms and pricing listed. Any Proposal may be withdrawn prior to the date and time the Proposals are due. Any Proposal not withdrawn will constitute an irrevocable offer to provide the City with the services/product specified in the Proposal. Proposals shall remain valid for (90) days after the day of the Proposal opening. Fillmore City reserves the right to reject any or all RFP's or any part, thereof; to waive informalities; to negotiate and agree to contract terms with the successful Proposal; to disregard non-conforming, non-responsive, unbalanced or conditional Proposals, and to re-advertise if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. Any potential Contractor who seeks to withdraw or modify a Proposal because of a computational error shall notify the Purchasing Agent at the City no later than three (3) business days following the Proposal closing. The Contractor must thereafter promptly demonstrate the Contractor's mistake by providing worksheets and other information as appropriate or required by the City to substantiate the claim of inadvertent error. The City has sole discretion to determine whether to permit any modification or withdrawal of the Proposal per the City's Purchasing Policy. Bids shall be submitted and received by April 4, 2022 at 5:00 p.m., either by hand delivery or mail to the Fillmore City Office at 75 West Center, Fillmore, UT 84631. Contact Kevin Orton, Fillmore City Recorder, with any questions by telephone at (435) 743-5233 or by email at recorder@fillmorecity.org. The minimum requirements include: Business License; Insurance; Landscaping experience; and Cost Schedule. Description of landscaping experience, current and previous job experience, resume(s); Cost proposal with hourly rate per man hour to be charged to City. Cost should be good for one year. Cost shall include materials, supplies, tools, equipment, labor, supervision, preparation, and other related costs to complete the scope of work. List at least three references of current or prior job experience. Include contact name, email, and phone number. Fillmore City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or any part thereof; to negotiate and agree to contract terms with the successful Contractor; to disregard non-conforming, non-responsive, or conditional proposals, and to re-advertise this Request for Proposal if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. Failure to submit required documents or follow any of the listed conditions in this RFP may result in the proposal being disqualified, but it is at the sole discretion of the selection committee to do so consistent with the purchasing policy and the best interests of the City. Proposal will be evaluated by the following criteria: 45% - Experience, Qualifications, and References 35% - Cost 20% - Availability / Location Fillmore City intends to award this Proposal to the Contractor that most closely meets the criteria established in this RFP. This award is contingent upon a contract being signed. The City may elect to renew the contract for an additional three years based upon good performance from the awarded contractor. All Proposals are subject to the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) Utah Code Ann., Subsection 63G-2-101 et seq. If Contractor believes any information should be held confidential for business reasons, Contractor must submit a written claim of business confidentiality for that particular information and include a specific statement of the reasons supporting the claim pursuant to Utah Code Ann. 63G-2-305(2)(c). [1] Preferred but not required. [2] Preferred but not required.


Religious / Funeral

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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April 4, 2022

April 6, 2022


325 East 600 South, Fillmore, UT

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