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Published May 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Templeton, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

Allegheny River L/D 8, Replace Operations Building Roofs. The project is located at 1107 State Route 1033, Templeton, PA 16259-2209. The main roof is approximately 65 feet by 23 feet, or 1495 square feet, and shall be replaced with EPDM sheeting. The small peaked wooden Penthouse roof, 9 feet by 9 feet which shall be completely removed and replaced with new wood, and asphalt shingles. The general description of the work pertains to the following tasks: Asbestos Remediation Contractor will remove asbestos containing materials on roof in accordance with local regulations and law. Operations Building Remove the existing roofing materials (ACM-Asbestos Containing Material), insulation (non-ACM), roof drain covers, and gravel from the operations building. Install a new, fully adhered, 90 mil EPDM roofing system, conforming to ASTM D4637/D4637M. The roofing system shall have new tapered insulation with R-Value of at least 30, in accordance with (IAW) ASHRAE 90.1-2019, and include the addition of any saddles, crickets, curbs, or other features to ensure positive drainage to the roof drains. Placement of insulation will accommodate roof expansion and the strategy for this accommodation will be documented in the roof plan. New flashing shall be installed on remaining protrusions and the parapet. Inspect and repair the drains and install new roof drain covers. The new drain inserts will replace existing roof drains. Operations Building, Cupola Roof Remove the existing roofing to include materials, electrical, and protrusions in accordance with the instructions/ pictures below. Contractor shall install a new wood frame and sheathing with a shingle roof system as specified in Spec Attachment 1-Reference Drawings-AR8 Powerhouse.pdf and manufacturers instructions. Contractor will add drip edge to cupola roof. Contractor shall note in the roofing plan, the new flashing that is to be installed between the chimney and cupola. Reroute Communications Thru Cupola Roof In order to protect and secure communication equipment, Contractor will install a shelf inside the cupola to hold the telecommunications equipment installed on the cupola roof. Relocate the telecommunications line to ingress through the cupola wall. Contractor will protect the telecommunication line transition into the facility with a 2 Stainless Steel Electrical Metal Tubing (EMT). Seal 2 EMT from the weather using a conduit seal or other approved sealant. Contractor shall outline the plan for rerouting the telecommunications equipment and wiring in the roof plan. Chimney Contractor shall inspect the chimney for bats and other pests prior to installing the chimney cap. All animals will be removed prior to install. Contractor shall cap the chimney and flash the chimney ledge in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and the pictures below. *Visit 'https://piee.eb.mil/sol/xhtml/unauth/search/oppMgmtLink.xhtmlsolNo=W911WN22Q8001' to obtain more details.* The estimated cost of the proposed work is between $100,000 and $250,000. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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1107 State Rte 1033, Templeton, PA

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Allegheny River L/D 8, Replace Operations Building Roofs

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