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Published May 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Cheney, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and water / sewer project.

Sealed bids will be accepted electronically through the B2Gnow for the following project: TAWANKA STEAM UTILITY REPLACEMENT OWNER: Eastern Washington University Construction & Planning Services 101 Rozell, 1115 Cedar Street Cheney, WA 99004 Dave Walters, Construction Coordinator (509) 359-6166 ARCHITECT: Dumais Romans, Inc. N. 210 University Rd Spokane Valley, WA. 99206 Guy Dumais, Principal (509) 893-9646 ESTIMATED BASE BID COST $ 61,000,000 Following a brief overview presentation of the project by the owner and architect, attendees will be will be guided through a walking tour of WORK DESCRIPTION: The scope of this project is to replace the existing direct bury steam and condensate lines serving Tawanka. The work includes constructing a buried utility tunnel between the existing main tunnel and Tawanka to house the new steam and condensate piping. The new steam and condensate lines will tap into the existing services in the main tunnel, and enter the new utility tunnel through cored holes. Once in the building, the lines will be routed through the first-floor ceiling, and down to the existing steam converter station. Once the new lines are in, the existing steam and condensate lines will be disconnected at both ends, and will be removed or abandon in place as noted. Additionally, all Public Works Bid Openings will be conducted via live stream on Zoom. A link to the live stream for bid opening can be found above. Contractors and the public will not be allowed on campus to watch the bid opening in person. We will strive to begin bid opening live streams within 15 minutes of the bid closing and appreciate your patience as we deploy this new process. If you have questions, please contact us at constructionplanning@ewu.edu or call (509) 359-6746. ALL BIDDERS MUST have an account in the B2Gnow system to be included on the official plan holders list. By following the project, you will be added to the plan holders list which ensures notification of addenda and Q&A. The Contractor that is awarded the project will be responsible for printing all documents necessary for performing the work. Please direct questions regarding this project to the Consultant listed above. Within 24 hours following the bid opening, results will be available at portal The State of Washington prevailing wage rates are applicable for this public works project located in Spokane County. Bidders are responsible to verify and use the most recent prevailing wage rates. The """Effective Date""" for this project is the Bid Form due date above. The applicable prevailing wage rates may be found on the Department of Labor and Industries website located at https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagelookup/. Voluntary numerical Diverse Business goals of 10% MBE, 6% WBE and 5% Washington Small Business, and 5% Veterans have been established for this project. Achievement of the goals is encouraged. Bidders may contact the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprise (OMWBE) at portal o obtain information on certified firms. Bidders may also utilize Washington Small Businesses registered in WEBS This Bid is subject to Washington State Law, Eastern Washington University regulations, procedures and policies, as they exist or may hereafter be amended. The State of Washington, Eastern Washington University, acting through the Construction and Planning Services office, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. If bidders utilize a Plan Center they are responsible for notifications and will not be eligible to bid this project, unless they have been added to the official plan holders list at portal

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Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

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1115 Cedar St, Cheney, WA

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