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Published May 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a fitness / recreation center in Columbus, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a fitness / recreation center; and for the construction of a 150,000-square-foot fitness / recreation center.

Contractors are nearing completion on the initial framework of Columbus’ new fieldhouse. Force Construction project manager Brett Siepka said workers are past the halfway mark on putting together subassemblies for the fieldhouse and expect to be done with this phase by the beginning or middle of next week. The hope is to finish by May 16 or earlier. “It’s just all going to be dependent on weather,” he said. “Weather was a factor today, and it looks like it could be a factor later in this week as well. So it’s all kind of hinging on Mother Nature.” The 150,000-square-foot Circle K Fieldhouse is intended to be “a sports and events venue that will host a multitude of different types of sporting and non-sporting events,” including local, regional and state sports tournaments, as well as potentially hosting trade shows, conferences, graduations and large-scale community events, according to NexusPark officials. Once the subassembly work is complete, the plan is to begin installing roof panels on the week of May 22, with this work continuing for about 30 or 40 days. Siepka said in a previous interview that after the panels are done, next steps will include installing precast around the exterior of the building and insulated metal wall panels. Force will then work to “detail out” the inside of the building. “Assembly has gone up real great,” he said. “We’re actually on schedule to complete in the allotted time that we originally planned for, so we are very happy with the way things have gone thus far.” Force is on track to complete the construction of the fieldhouse in the fourth quarter of 2023, he said. NexusPark is a joint effort between the city of Columbus and Columbus Regional Health to transform the former FairOaks Mall into a health, wellness and recreation center. The campus is also expected to include parks department and community spaces, restaurant and retail areas and CRH facilities. Outdoor community park and gathering spaces are planned, and Dunham’s is expected to remain on-site under its current lease. ----------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.insideindianabusiness.com/articles/fieldhouse-project-advances-in-columbus COLUMBUS, Ind. - Columbus city officials have decided to spend $30,000 to hire a consultant to help develop business strategies for the new NexusPark fieldhouse. The Republic reports the Columbus Board of Works have approved the agreement with Indianapolis-based Legacy Sports Group. The four-month-long contract is for management consultant services for the fieldhouse's business model and will provide consulting and management guidance for the 150,000-square-foot venue. Demolition of a former retail store where the new sports facility will be built got underway this week and will continue for several weeks. Officials hope to begin construction of the sports fieldhouse in February. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Design and Build of a 150,000 square foot free-standing indoor fieldhouse with connector, which can be utilized year-round for athletic and community events. Each bidder shall include as part of the proposal a certified check, a cashier's check, or a satisfactory bid bond in an amount of not less than 10 percent (10%) of the bid amount. Each check shall be certified by a reputable bank doing business in the State of Indiana. Certified checks will be returned to bidders whose proposals are rejected within 30 days after the bid date. The check or bond submitted by the successful bidder shall be retained by the City until said bidder has entered into contract and posted satisfactory performance bond. If the successful bidder does refuse or neglect to enter into a contract with the City within seven (7) days from the time of notification of the acceptance of the bid, said check or bond shall be forfeited to the City and liquidated damages as ascertained for failure to do so. At the time of signing the contract, the successful bidder will be required to furnish 125% Performance and Payment Bond and a certificate of insurance as provided by the Notice to Bidders.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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2380 25th St, Columbus, IN

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