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Published April 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Canton, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Exterior Restoration of historic Memorial Hall (Canton Town Hall) 801 Washington St, Canton, MA. Masonry Restoration including, but not limited to: Cleaning, cutting, pointing, crack repairs, selective rebuilding of exterior brick & brownstone, some slate roof repairs and misc metals. **Sub Bid Date and time (04/21/2022 at 2:00 PM ET) in Sub project Sub Bid Category Roofing & Flashing, Miscellaneous & Ornamental Iron Required for DCAMM contracts over $150,000, Highway Division contracts over $50,000. General bidders must be DCAMM certified in the category "Historical Masonry". Filed sub-bidders must be DCAMM certified in their respective trades. General Bidders and Filed Sub-bidders shall have completed similar work on at least 3 buildings listed in the State Register of Historic Places within the past 5 years. The scope of the work includes: - Cleaning and repointing of exterior brick and brownstonemasonry. - Rebuilding of masonry at front entry portico. - Stabilization of clock face dormer and addition of wood trim and finish at clockface. - Restoration and reinstallation of original cast iron balustrade railings at front entry portico. - Repair and reinstallation of salvaged handrails at front entry steps. - Replacement of caulking at existing windows. - Refurbishment of front entry doors. - Selective replacement of sheet metal flashings and missing and broken roofslates. - Replacement of existing entry portico roof with new fully soldered flat-seamed copperroof. -Partial dismantling of chimney and capping it. - all labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment and other means of construction necessary and incidental to the completion the work shown on the plans and described in these specifications Masonry Restoration including, but not limited to: Cleaning, cutting and pointing, crack repairs, selective rebuilding of exterior brick and brownstone masonry. o Rebuilding of masonry at front entry portico. o Replacement of joint sealant at control joints within the south entry ramp. o Stabilization of clock face dormer and addition of wood trim and finish at clockface. o Repair and painting of rake and soffit trim at roof gable at east elevation. o Restoration and reinstallation of original cast iron balustrade railings at front entry portico. o Repair and reinstallation of salvaged handrails at front entry steps. o Replacement of caulking at existing windows. o Refurbishment of front entry doors. o Selective replacement of sheet metal flashings and missing and broken roof slates. o Replacement of roof at front entry portico o Preparation and painting of existing window air conditioning support brackets.




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