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Published April 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Cordell, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

FROM: 1.01 THE OWNER (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS OWNER): A. Cordell Memorial Hospital B. Address: 1. 1220 N. Glen English 2. Cordell, Oklahoma 73632 1.02 FOR CORDELL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING RENOVATION PROJECT A. Address: 1220 N. Glenn English Cordell, Oklahoma 73632 1.03 AND THE ARCHITECT (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS ARCHITECT): A. MILLER ARCHITECTS INC. B. Address: 1. 13401 N. WESTERN AVE. 2. SUITE 302 3. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73114 Project Manager , Laura Ireland 405.753.6422; lireland@millerarch.com 1.04 DATE: APRIL 5, 2022 1.05 TO: POTENTIAL BIDDERS A. D. Project Description: The scope of the Project includes the following components.. 1. Renovation of existing medical office building to create 3 ADA Accessible toilet rooms. Two of the rooms will be designated as Alternates so Cordell Memorial Hospital can adjus the construction scope based upon the final Construction Bid Amounts to fit their budget. 2. Renovation of HVAC System to provide appropriate ventilation in the Waiting Area and connected spaces to provide negative airflow and minimum air changes per hour to improve the facilities abilities to protect occupants from COVID should a COVID patient enter the public areas. 3. List of Alternates are provided in Section 00 4323: a. Renovate existing Toilet 1165 to create an ADA accessible toilet room b. Renovate existing Storage Room 1178 to create a New Toilet 1178 with an ADA accessible toilet room. E. F. Refer to other bidding requirements described in Document 00 2113 - Instructions to Bidders and Document 00 3100 - Available Project Information. G. Submit your offer on the Bid Form provided. Bidders may supplement this form as appropriate. H. Your offer will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of .0 45 va I. 1.06 SIGNATURE days after submission. memorial Hospital - Medi The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers.




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1220 N Glenn L English St, Cordell, OK

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Cordell Memorial Hospital - Medical Office Building Renovation Project

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