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Published June 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a residential development in Buffalo, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a residential development.

A. General: 1. The "Work" of the contract is defined in the contract documents and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, furnishing all labor, material, equipment, insurance, permits, etc. for SITE IMPROVEMENTS @ LaSALLE COURTS (BMHA Job 21-21CF) & JASPER PARRISH HOMES (BMHA Job 21-20-CF). 2. Contract Type: Separate Prime Contracts for LaSalle Courts & Jasper Parrish Sites as identified below. B. Scope of Work: 1. Site Contract (21-21-CF) includes, but is not limited to, the following work at LaSalle Courts: a. General Construction: 1) Replacement of pavement in parking lots and roadways. 2) Repair and replacement of catch basins in parking lots and roadways. 3) Cleaning of catch basins and storm lines. 4) Replacement of curbs at sidewalks and lawn areas. 5) Replacement of existing sidewalks. 6) Installation of new sidewalks. 7) Concrete slab leveling of sunken concrete walks. 8) Grinding of sidewalk tripping hazards. 9) Filling of concrete joints with self-leveling seala 2. Site Contract (21-20-CF) includes, but is not limited to, the following work at Jasper Parish Homes: a. General Construction 1) Replacement of pavement in parking lots and roadways. 2) Construction of new parking lots. 3) Repair and replacement of catch basins in parking lots and roadways. 4) Cleaning of catch basins and storm lines. 5) New catch basins, storm lines & Underground Detention system 6) Replacement of curbs at sidewalks and lawn areas. 7) Replacement of existing sidewalks. 8) Installation of new sidewalks. 9) Concrete slab leveling of sunken concrete walks. 10) Grinding of sidewalk tripping hazards. 11) Filling of concrete joints with self-leveling sealant. 12) Replacement of missing/damaged storm doors as indicated. 13) Planting of new trees and shrubs. 14) Reconstruction of existing cast-in-place concrete stairs 15) Removal of existing site lighting fixtures, controls, and associated conduit and branch circuit wiring. 16) Installation of new site lighting fixtures, controls, and associated conduit and branch circuit wiring.


Residential Subdivision


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Site Improvements at LaSalle Courts and Jasper Parrish Homes

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