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Published June 9, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Montgomery, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

Walden Elementary School SED No. 44-13-01-06-0-009-019 Valley Central High School SED No. 44-13-01-06-0-015-030 Valley Central Middle School SED No. 44-13-01-06-0-016-020 Toilet-Concession Building SED No. 44-13-01-06-7-024-001 Each Bidder must deposit a Bid Security in the amount and form per the conditions provided in Instructions to Bidders. All Bids will remain subject to acceptance for forty-five (45) days after the Bid opening. Owner may, in its sole discretion, release any Bid and return Bid Security prior to that date. A full performance bond, together with labor and material payment bonds in form acceptable to Owner shall be required of the successful Bidder for the full contract amount. The award of bid pursuant to this notice is subject appropriation of funds for this purpose in accordance with the applicable provisions of the General Municipal Law. All bids must meet the requirements of the General Municipal law of the State of New York and all other applicable statues and have attached a statement of non-collusion. All documents submitted in connection with this bid will become the property of the Valley Central School District and will not return bids or bid documents. The contract will be awarded by the school district to the lowest responsible bidder. In cases where two or more responsible Bidders submit identical bids as to price, the school district may award the contract to either of such bidders. The school district reserves the right to reject all bids and re-advertise for new bids in its discretion and/or to waive any informality in any bid which is deems immaterial in nature. Attendance of this meeting is requested as the Owner, Architect and consultants will be present to discuss the Project. Attendees should anticipate a Q & A session followed by a walk-through of the building(s) and site. The Architect will transmit to all listed plan holders Addenda in response to issues arising at and following the Conference. This project is publicly funded. The Bidders must comply with New York State Department of Labor Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule and conditions of employment. Bids shall not include New York State sales and compensating use taxes on materials and supplies incorporated into the Work, the Owner being exempt therefrom. The Valley Central School District reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the Bids received, or to reject all Bids without explanation.




Public - County

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Multiple Locations, Montgomery, NY

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