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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Oyster Bay, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

This Item describes the Public Work Enforcement Fund (the Fund, PWEF) and its relevance to State agencies and public benefit corporations engaged in construction or reconstruction contracts, maintenance and repair, and announces the recently-enacted increase to the percentage of the dollar value of such contracts that must be deposited into the Fund. This item also describes the roles of the following entities with respect to the Fund: New York State Department of Labor (DOL), The Office of the State of Comptroller (OSC), and State agencies and public benefit corporations. The purpose of this section is to outline the scope of work and work procedures required for the removal of asbestos containing material that is anticipated to be disturbed during the proposed selective demolition at Plant No. 2. B. Determination of asbestos content was based upon bulk sampling and analysis of all suspect asbestos containing materials anticipated to be disturbed during the demolition activities. Refer to Appendix E - Asbestos and Lead Report for approximate quantities. The quantities are approximate and shall be field verified by all asbestos abatement contractors before submitting their bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City






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Shutter Ln & Cove Rd, Oyster Bay, NY

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