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Published September 9, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a laboratory facility in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Design plans call for the construction of a laboratory facility; and for site work for a laboratory facility.

As of September 2, 2022, a designer has been selected. No timeline has been established for the bidding and construction. *The previous solicitation is listed below for reference The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is developing a project for a Joint Laboratory Facility to be located in the Harrisburg, PA area. It is proposed that five Agencies would be physically unified within the building with shared common facilities. The Joint Laboratory will present a unified public image; however, each Department will need to maintain its own individual identity and organization. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: $212,000,000.00. The Goals for SDB participation: 14% The Goals for VBE participation: 3% The following information will need to be provided: detailed resumes for key design and management personnel with references; key personnel must have experience leading or participating in Lean projects; the firm's approach to the project, including descriptions of tasks and scope of services, and an explanation of how the approach provides value to the Commonwealth; a detailed description from the firm's portfolio of a project using Lean tools and methods that illustrates the firm's ability to translate design intentions into a solution that meets the client's needs and expectations; an organizational chart and detailed work plan, identifying key personnel roles and percent of time assigned to the project; an explanation of how the firm assures high quality bidding documents; examples of relevant projects completed by the lead design professional and key personnel, with contact information for references for these projects; an assessment of key project issues and risks to the project; identification of special investigations, studies or testing that may be required; a description of the firm's understanding of the LEAN processes described in the Program Development Study and how the firm has used these processes successfully on other projects, including references for the projects; firm's understanding of lab planning and design principles; firm's experience with Biosafety levels and biosecurity facilities; firm's understanding of requirements of lab facilities as it relates to accreditations such as (CLIA), Forensic Laboratory Testing Accreditation Requirements, etc.; consultants team experience with mechanical engineering solutions for laboratory spaces; firms to have in house or consultant as part of team for lab design for each using agencies; firm's experience with applying for LEED level certification for lab facilities; and a non-binding fee proposal.




Public - State/Provincial

LEED Certification, New Construction, Site Work

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May 11, 2023


To Be Determined, Harrisburg, PA

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