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Published April 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Naicam, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The RM of Pleasantdale No. 398 invites sealed tenders for aggregate purchase inclusive of gravel, loading, hauling and spreading the gravel on the municipal roads. The Rural Municipality of Pleasantdale # 398 is accepting sealed tenders from a local aggregate provider for gravel (106 to 108 Spec); approximately 6200 yards. Contract shall consist of gravel, loading, hauling & spreading aggregate materials on the following Heavy Haul Roads (approx. 100 yd./mile): Township Rd 424 between Range Rd 2160-2183.5 Township Rd 420 between Range Rd 2163 to 2182.5 Township Rd 412 between Range Rd 2161 to 2183 Township Rd 400 between Range Rd 2165 to 2182 Range Rd. 2180 between Township Rd 420 to 424 Range Rd. 2181 between Township Rd 412 to 420 Range Rd. 2172 between Township Rd 402 to 412 Range Rd. 2173 between Township Rd 400 to 402 The haul is to be completed between the dates of May 15, 2022 to July 15, 2022, and will be continuous until completed with the exception of inclement weather. Tender submissions shall be based on legal weights. provide a price for each item of work identified, the work shall be measured and paid for on a unit price basis. The unit price basis shall exclude GST & PST, which shall be on extra applicable in the total bid price. The Municipality reserves the right to reduce the said approximate quantities up to 20%. Inquiries All inquiries prior to closing of bids can be directed to: Lee Etsell, Foreman 306-322-7891 Information to be included with Tender The bidder shall submit with its tender: Clearances: the bidders shall provide with its Tender a Letter of Clearance from WCB Liability Insurance: a copy of a valid liability insurance policy of no less than $2,000,000.00. A Bidder shall be permitted to withdraw their tender after it has been submitted if such request is received in writing by the Municipality prior to the tender closing date. Tenders received after the date and time specified will not be considered. Oral and telephone tenders will not be considered. Acceptance of Bid The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, to waive irregularities and information at their discretion and to accept the tender which the Municipality deems to be in its best interest. Lowest tender will not necessarily accepted. Price & Payment The Bidder shall provide a price for each item of work identified. The work shall be measured and paid for on a unit price basis. The units to be measured and paid shall be identified. The quantiles for which payment will be made to the contractor are to be determined by the work actually performed and completed by the contractor. The unit price shall exclude the GST and PST, which shall be an extra where applicable in the unit price. Any work required that does not have a unit price will be considered an extra. All extra work is to be agreed upon and understood in writing before the said work commences. The price for any extra work shall also be understood in writing prior to the commencement of said work. Labour, Materials & Equipment The successful bidder shall supply all supervision, labour, materials, equipment tools and all other things necessary for the complete supply of the works as indicated or intended by the specifications which form part of this document. The unit price shall include the supply of supervision, labour, materials equipment, tools and all other things necessary for the complete supply of the work. All trucks will require safety certifications. Successful Tender The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract Agreement. Evaluation of Bids All tenders will be opened and reviewed at the April 22/2022 RM of Pleasantdale #398 Special meeting. For more information, please contact the RM office by phone at 306-874-5732 or by email at rm398@sasktel.net

Final Planning

Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Naicam, SK

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