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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lexington, Tennessee. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to: Dwayne Childress Purchasing Director (336) 242-2030 or Robert James Purchasing Coordinator (336) 242-2251 The Facilities Committee has determined it would be in the best interest of Davidson County, NC to bid all concrete that is needed for County use. You are invited to bid based on the requirement listed here: 2. Instructions to Bidders: 2.1. The process of bidding will be annual, starting May 1 of every year. 2.2. We have no knowledge of any need during any contract period. 2.3. There will be no Pre-Bid Conference held for this project, any questions should be directed to Dwayne Childress at 336-242-2030. 2.4. Prices shall remain firm for the first six-months of the contract, after this term the contract price shall increase only not more than 4% per quarter, unless aggregate prices increase more and this will be negotiated at a later date, before the beginning of the last two quarters of the one-year term. 2.5. Unit prices quoted shall be F.O.B. jobsite, Davidson County NC. 2.6. A fuel surcharge may be allowed if the price of diesel goes to $5.00 per gallon an increase of 1%; if the price of diesel goes to $6.00 per gallon an increase of 2%, will be allowed. 2.7. Concrete will be delivered to various job sites throughout the County. 2.8. There will be a flat delivery charge of $50.00 for small or "short" loads, defined as 4 yards or less. 2.9. No additional charge for front discharge truck. 2.10. There will be a flat charge for hot water of $25.00. 2.11. The material shall be delivered in ready-mix trucks to the jobsites. 2.12. The County will typically contact the vendor the working day prior to when concrete will be needed and give the vendor the location, approximate time and quantity of materials needed. 2.13. Davidson County will make an award in the best interest of the County. 2.14. Payment terms are net 30-days, sales tax (7%) must be charged on invoice (County is not sales tax exempt) but not on this quote. 2.15. After two calls and the vendor is unable to fill the order in a timely fashion the County has the ability to go to the next lowest bidder. 2.16. Fly ash is preferred but not required. 2.17. During the contract period if by independent testing it is found that your concrete fails the strength test (psi) this contract will be terminated immediately and you will be barred from bidding for a period of one year. 2.18. Upon failing the strength test, the affected pour will be replaced free of charge.2.19. Hot loads will not be accepted. They will be rejected at no cost to the County. 2.20. E-Verify Affidavit- Each offeror shall submit a completed E-Verify Affidavit form with their proposal. This form must be notarized to be accepted, failure to submit this form shall be cause for rejection of proposal as non-responsive, (page 6). 2.21. Late Proposals- LATE proposals will be returned to offeror UNOPENED, if RFP number, acceptance date and offeror's return address is shown on the container. 2.22. Assignment of Contract-The Contract may not be assigned in whole or in part without the written consent of the Purchasing Agent. 2.23 Invoicing and Payment- Contractor shall submit invoices at the end of each project or delivery, such statement to include a detailed breakdown of all charges. awarded-Childers Concrete Co Inc



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