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Published April 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a recreation facility in Winnemucca, Nevada. Completed plans call for the renovation of a recreation facility.

Notice is hereby given that the Agricultural District #3--Humboldt County is requesting proposals to provide all equipment, materials and labor required to construct a restroom-shower facility at the Winnemucca Events Complex, 1015 Fairgrounds Road, Winnemucca, Nevada. Licensing-Qualifications. Proposers must: (i) have the appropriate State of Nevada Contractors License; (ii) be qualified pursuant to Nevada law to perform public entity contracts; (iii) be able to certify in the written contract compliance with subsection 2 of NRS 332.065; and, (iv) before commencement of construction, have obtained a City of Winnemucca business license. Prevailing wage. The project cost is anticipated to reach the threshold for payment of the prevailing wage rates as established by the Nevada Labor Commissioner. Bid bond. A bid bond shall accompany each bid and shall be made payable to Owner in the amount of not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid in the form of a surety company bond, cash, certified check or cashier's check. Warranty. Proposals must fully describe all applicable guarantees and/or warranties. Withdrawal. Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice received prior to the date and time set for receipt. Telegraph, facsimile and email withdrawals will not be accepted. Consideration-Contract award. Review of the proposals and contract award will be considered at a regular or special meeting of the Agricultural District #3 Board of Directors at the Winnemucca Convention Center on or after April 25, 2022, at a time to be announced, or as soon thereafter as the Ag 3 Board is able to consider the proposals. The contract for the project may be awarded at that time, subject to any additional approvals. The right is reserved to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in the submitted proposals, reject any and all proposals or to accept the proposal which is deemed by the Ag 3 Board to be in the best interest of the Agricultural District #3-- Humboldt County.


Amusement and Recreation


Public - County


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1015 Fairgrounds Rd, Winnemucca, NV

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