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Published April 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chipman, New Brunswick. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The building and foundation as noted on the GeoNB photo, located at Civic Court, Chipman, NB is to be demolished and removed from the site subject to the following conditions. - (a) The existing building is to be demolished and removed from Civic Court, Chipman, NB, PID 45079886 including any foundations, (b) Any excavation hole resulting from the foundations removal is to be filled with a granular type of material and reasonably compacted level with the surrounding grade, (c) Any debris, partially fallen or dangerous trees, garbage is to be removed from the yard / site. - The maximum depth of excavation is to be no more than 2 feet below existing grade. This is due to piping below the slab. - Granular material may include such material as sand, pit run gravel, shale, sandstone but does not include any material that holds water or becomes muddy when wet such as clay, silt. - The winning tender is to notify the Village Clerk of the street address of the C & D dump site that they will be using, within 4 days of being awarded the tender. - Keith Manderville at RSC11 (453-2956) is to be notified when the work is to start and the duration of the time it will take to complete the work prior to commencing the job. - The material that is to be removed from the site is to be deposited into a licensed C & D dump site and copies of receipts from each load deposited there are to be forwarded to the Village Clerk prior to payment of the tender contract. - Any and all electrical wires are to be disconnected from the building and removed back to the main power pole line, in consultation with NB Power. Any cost for disconnecting electrical lines is to be included into your tender price. - A permit to demolish the above-mentioned buildings is to be applied for and received from Regional Service Commission11, Planning and Development Branch and a copy is to be forwarded to the Village Clerk prior to start of the work. - The site is to be kept secure from the public during the demolition and cleanup operations until the site cleanup is complete. - Measures are to be taken to limit dust and debris from spreading to adjacent properties. Any debris spread to an adjacent property is to be cleaned up immediately. - The site is to be left clean of all glass, debris, dead or dying trees and shrubs, cloths line, furniture, appliances, garbage and building materials down to grade level.# - Invitation to Tender - Village of Chipman - Civic Court, Chipman - (See attached GeoNB Aerial Photo) - If any old oil storage tanks or barrels are found on the property, they are to be removed from the site. Any contents still in the tank or barrel is to be properly disposed of. - The contractor / person awarded the contract is to provide to the Village Clerk proof of Workers Compensation coverage and $2,000,000.00 liability insurance to save the Village harmless from any accidents resulting from the demolition of the above noted buildings prior to the start of work and no later than within 4 days after being awarded the tender. - Civic Court is not to be blocked or the traveling public unduly disrupted during the demolition and cleanup. - The successful bidder is to have the building demolished, and the site cleaned up before June 30, 2022. - If you have any questions, please contact Keith Manderville at Regional Service Commission 11 at 1-506-453-2956. - Tender prices are to remain valid for 21 days after the tender closing unless awarded earlier. - Tender will be paid in full upon completion of all the work. Control Number 17366403


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Civic Ct, Chipman, NB

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