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Site work, paving, new construction and renovation of a mixed-use development in Bismarck, North Dakota. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; for the renovation of a municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

1. This project consists of construction of a new addition and light renovation of the existing Public Works Building, a new Roads and Streets Building, a new Controlled Storage Building, a new Wash Bay, a new Brine Shed and associated site work. 2. The work will be issued in a series of phased packages (Bid Packages) over the next several weeks / months. 3. The herein referenced documents will enable your firm the opportunity to submit a detailed proposal. We look forward to receiving your Proposal and would like to extend our appreciation for your participation in advance of receiving your proposal on the enclosed Bid Form. Work Included in this Offering: We are presently soliciting competitive Lump Sum Bids for the following portions of work as defined herein. 1. All portions of the Work as defined in Section 00 2400 2. Building/Foundation Excavation & Backfill, Concrete Foundations, Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings associated with Building R (Roads and Streets) and Building C (Controlled Storage) (BP-1) Previously Issued Work: The following portions of Work have already been bid and awarded: 1. N/A Future Work: The following portions of Work are anticipated to be issued at a later date: 1. All remaining work. QUESTIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: A. Questions shall be submitted to Kraus-Anderson Construction Company at the address below on or before the Date indicated above. Bids may be mailed or hand delivered to: Curt Janssen Kraus-Anderson Construction Company 1815 Schafer St. Suite 200 Bismarck, ND 58501 Phone: 701-989-7150 OTHER CONDITIONS A. Bidders Qualifications: Refer to Kraus-Andersons Instructions to Bidders and Kraus-Andersons Bid Form for requirements regarding Bidders Qualifications and Pre-qualification Procedures. Kraus-Anderson reserves the right to request additional information to clarify the Bidders financial capability, technical experience, ability to successfully staff project, and comply with safety and employment requirements. B. Contractor Default Insurance, Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds: Refer to Kraus-Andersons Instructions to Bidders and Kraus-Andersons Bid Form for additional requirements regarding requirements for Bonds and/or financial prequalification requirements thru Building Connecteds website invitation. C. Bid Security: Not Required. *Addendum 1 and 2 have been released.




Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Bismarck, ND

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